Take These 3 Steps to Cultivate Self-Compassion and Silence Your Inner Critic
Holstee is like a subscription box for your soul.
5 Gorgeous Female Vocal Traditions From Around the World
Many of these folk vocal traditions began with women, and persist to this day.
On Nature Blindness (Mine and Yours)
My nature blindness, is, I hope, just a bit of myopia, but I could be legally blind. I have no idea.
Sharing Spaces for Events is the New Green: Splacer Leads the Way
Using a space in a multiplicity of ways is more efficient—and more fun.
17 Ethical, Sustainable and Unique Gift Ideas for Holiday, 2016
From handspun hats to coffee-table books and hiking gear, we've got you covered!
Our Sustainable Future Panel and Party: Circular Design in Fashion, Auto & Built Environment
What if making stuff not only had less impact, but had none?
Jewelry Made From Crashed Cars? Talk About Recycling!
CRASH jewelry is made from Teslas, Mercedes and other damaged luxury cars.
Summer Reads: Back in Time to One 70s Counterculture Experiment in Vermont
What really happens when young people move to the woods for a simpler life?
Summer Reads: Fascinating “Beer Money” Memoir Details Stroh Beer Family’s Demise
An emotional narrative details a wealthy daughter’s place in a troubled family, and how she triumphed.
Crystal Healing Basics Or: Why You Should Buy More Rocks
I walked home with my rock friend nestled in a box in my bag and felt like my life had literally just changed.