
Get Warm & Cozy This Fall with a Cup of Organic, Fair Trade Tea

There’s nothing in the world that comforts and calms me quite like a good cup of tea. I’ve been a tea drinker since I had my first cup as a preteen, and I’ve got a huge basket in my pantry full of dozens of varieties. Every day, it’s like I’m opening a gift when I get to try out a new tea. Recently, I was given a few bags of Choice Organic Teas, and I gotta say, I’m in love. There’s a great variety to choose from, they’re organic and they’re fair trade.

My fave is the Rooibos Red Bush Tea + Vanilla, and I’ve also tried Original Chai, Green Moroccan Mint and Irish Breakfast – all fantastic (check out the full list of fair trade teas).

About Choice Tea’s decision to go fair trade:

In 2000, Choice Organic Teas became the first tea crafter to adopt Fair Trade Certified tea in the United States.

Choice Organic Teas partnered with TransFair USA to write the guidelines that established a Fair Trade Certification process for the tea industry, as the hierarchy of the tea estate owner/manager to the worker who plucks the tea differs greatly than from the coffee industry. TransFair USA previously established Fair Trade certification in the United States for the coffee industry in 1999.

Fair Trade certification addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest workers in economically developing or third-world countries. Products from economically developed countries such as Japan and the United States cannot qualify for Fair Trade certification.

Choice Organic Teas have been certified organic by Quality Assurance International, the USDA, and the Organic Consumers Association.  The fair trade varieties are certified by TransFair USA.

Choice Organic’s tea varieties are available in 16-bag boxes, bulk bags and loose leaf. They’d make a great stocking stuffer for the upcoming holiday season!

Check out Starre’s post about her favorite teas for more tea-licious suggestions!

Stephanie Rogers is a fashion- and beauty-obsessed freelance writer with an abiding love for kale and organic wine, living in Asheville, North Carolina.