Sticking it to the man…Hillary style
A couple of weeks ago the Bar Association of San Francisco held a fundraiser and hosted NY Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for a one-on-one interview before an audience. Jane Pauley conducted the interview and Hillary held nothing back in her critique of our current administration and the frightening movement away from scientific findings regarding climatic change. As Pauley asked Clinton about global warming and the current doubt some officials have regarding the human factor in climate shifts, Clinton showed her vivacious humor and biting wit claiming that “…only in Washington” could the scientific findings related to global warming be called “opinion” and the administration find “the five or ten people in the world who agree with him (Bush)” to come to the government’s aid. I may not always agree with some of Hillary’s decisions (ie: voting for war in Iraq), but her eloquence and humor is refreshing. The criticism that Senator Clinton has been receiving for her “anger management” problems only serves to illuminate the Right’s persistent reliance on the cult of personality to deflect attention away from the important issues. While some feel Hillary may not inspire passion among her listeners, her articulate and careful language reflect her grasp of some of the key issues we are dealing with today.