Crude, the Film, Shows Real Price of America's Oil Addiction (Hint: It's Not Just the Environment)
Crude is the story of a community of 30,000 tribal members in the Amazonian jungle of Ecuador who hold a corporation to bear for its crimes against their land, their livelihood, and most importantly, their lives. The film follows the intricacies of what has been called the “Amazon Chernobyl.” The…
Amazon Watch: Chevron Bash in SF
Chevron (formerly Texaco) has admitted to dumping more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the pristine Ecuadorian Amazon, creating one of the most contaminated industrial sites on the planet. Nearly four decades and billions of dollars in profit later, Chevron refuses to take responsibility for the resulting environmental…
The money is greener on the other side
Last month Bill Gates’ investments came under investigation by a few LA Times reporters. The argument of the intensely thorough 8-page (yes, 8 pages!) article was this: Do Gates’ investments in companies like Exxon Mobile and Chevron Corp undermine the good deeds of the actual foundation? I recently asked Thomas…
Kick the Oil Habit: CNN
Larry King Live had a kick-ass show tonight on the topic “Is America Addicted to Oil.” Special guests, Robert Redford (who is heading up Kick the Oil Habit) and CEO of Chevron, David O’Reilly had the hot seats. However, the best piece of the episode was the panel that King…
Crazy Capitalist and Enviro in the Same Sentence?
Today’s NYTimes has an interesting article in a section I usually ignore. The front of the Business section has “Saving the Environment, One Quarterly Earnings Report at a Time.” Wal-Mart uses a wind turbine to help provide electricity at a store in Aurora, Colo., as an experiment. If necessary, a…