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    AuH2O Fashion Show!

    I had a great time at the AuH2O Fashion Brunch this past Sunday. Held in a funky East Village eatery called Marion’s that seems to have been around forever, lucky invitees enjoyed cocktails and brunchy food and then got to check out Kate Goldwater’s designs, which are all made from…

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    Deathy Hollows

    Harry Potter books give me a headache. I’ve read all of them and finished Deathly Hollows this morning. Spoiler: I was extremely disappointed that Harry didn’t die. It would have been too cool. The only good thing about this particular Harry Potter book was the way in which the publishers/author…

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    30×30 says Bloomberg

    On Sunday, April 22nd, New York City’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg will announce PlaNYC 2030 – one of the more advanced 25-year climate action plans put forth to date. After six months of work, the NYC team put together a plan that will reduce the city’s total emissions 30 percent by…

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    It's a Nice Day for a Green(er) Wedding

    Do you know someone getting married this Spring or Summer? Even if they’re completely eco-unconscious, you can still help them make their wedding green (whether they like it or not, dammit!!) Especially if you still have to buy a gift for them, you might want to consider offsetting the carbon…