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    The Climate Cover-Up

    This bit of news is getting up slightly later than I’d like to be getting it up – but I know a few people who will want to read this who may not have read it else where and it is no less important today than it was 3 days…

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    Vegan and veggie products

    As a newly proclaimed vegan I found this site extremely awesome and helpful. I’ve been a vegetarian for about 8 years but I never wanted to get into the vegan thing because of milk and cheese. But 3 weeks ago I decided to go for it! Now it’s great to…

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    Oscars Still Light Green

    Well, the Oscars are over, and while there’s just no way that a party this big can be environmentally-friendly, efforts were made to make this Oscar greener than ever (though the website doesn’t detail exactly how impacts were reduced), it says: This year, the Academy, the Oscar telecast producer Laura…

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    Eco-buzz: "Offsetting"

    Offsetting, (verb) – to counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. To balance or serve as a counterbalance for. To compensate. Lately I have been hearing a lot about “offsetting.” Being able to purchase carbon credits, plant trees, and invest in renewable energy sources allows people the opportunity…

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    Buildings that eat SMOG

    Building material that can reduce surrounding emissions within an 8 foot area?! How cool! There is a chemical called titanium dioxide that has been used in coatings for metal, concrete, and other building materials as a deodorizer, to keep things white, and as a general preserving agent. But, it has…

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    Enviro News Round Up

    We seem to be having quite a bit of a drop in posts around here! I’m hoping to rack up some goodies this weekend, but we’ll see. Until then, here is some fairly generic (yet oh so interesting!!!) environmental news. Need a new reason to go on that diet? Well,…