For a Fun Night Call….360 Vodka!
As those who know and love me are aware, I love vodka. And though I: -eat organic, local food (except for my unfortunate pineapple habit, which I’m twelve-stepping my way through….did you know to get 1 lb. of pineapple to our plates, it takes 40 lbs of CO2! Serious bummer.)…
Green+Woman=Wussy; Green+Man=Technology?
I’m not the only one who’s noticed that men are taking over the environmental discussion. An eco-event in Bryant Park in New York City tomorrow is just one example that recently crossed my desk. There will be five speakers and not one woman! If there was a panel of five…
Tahoe and Yukon Hybrids: Sensible or Stupid?
I was embarrassed. There’s no other way to describe how a green, treehugging, environmental blogger such as myself felt clambering into a Chevy Tahoe outside a restaurant on the West Side of Manhattan recently. This ‘full-size’ (read that as gigantically huge) SUV was a hybrid, true, but its slightly lower…
Call Your Representatives About Renewable Energy!
Ok, normally I try not to post too much of this kind of stuff, but I can’t urge you all enough to contact your representatives (if you’re not sure who they are, go to this site.) From MoveOn: Did you know the U.S. right now gets only 2% of our…
Eco-Friendly Homes: More Buck for Your Green Bang?
A modular green house It looks like adding green features to your home, like low- and no-VOC paints, high-efficiency heating systems, water filtration, solar panels, and myriad other healthy options can be a boon if you’re looking to sell (good to keep in mind if you’re thinking of renovating!) Check…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…
Ewwww…..This is Why You Need a Water Filter!
On the left is the filter that was replaced, on the right is the new filter. Bottled water sucks, we all know that (if you don’t know why, read this article and you’ll know everything): You can Go Here and read my top 5 reasons for eschewing the bottle…. –It…
Navy Showers
As I think I’ve mentioned before, one of my biggest enviro-sins is bathing. That is, I love long showers, swimming-pool like baths, hot tubs, pools, the ocean, lakes, puddles and running through sprinklers (I think it comes from my Australian roots of being a die-hard swimmer). Point: I love water.…
Liveblogging from Live Earth!
—Giants Stadium, 2:45 PM EST I’m here at Live Earth in New York, which is the last show in the worldwide music celebration so we can Save Our Selves (SOS). KT Tunstall KT Tunstall is up first, after a lackluster intro by Mr. Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Are you watching? If not, you…
Reyka Vodka!
I will admit that I’m a tried-and-true Russian vodka fan, though I’ve not been able to find one In that’s organic, and it kinda sucks that it comes all the way from Russia, of course. Every time a make a drink I can’t help but think of how far my…