These Rivers, Mountains, and Lakes Are Getting Legal Rights: It’s About Time
Is a river, mountain or a rainforest really a living entity and entitled to a set of legal rights? Yes.
Welcome to My New Column on Ecofeminism
You’re probably here because you care about women, the environment, or both. You’ve come to the right place, because these two subjects are intimately tied to each other. Hey everyone, welcome to my new ecofeminism column with Eco-Chick. Once a week, I’ll be tackling a variety of topics here, all…
Electronic Bidets Save Forests and Water, AND They’re Cleaner! (We Really Want One ASAP)
6 reasons why you should re-think the way you’re going to the bathroom.
1/3 of Women and Girls Worldwide Don’t Have Toilets: Here’s Why That’s a Feminist and Environmental Issue
And could toilets create livelihoods for women?
Clean Air, Green Earth: This Energy Infographic Will Blow Your Mind
How dirty the U.S. energy mix is and how tech advances can save us.
Hebrew Priestess Sarah Shamirah Chandler on Judaism and the Environment
Jewish spiritual practice is actually deeply rooted in the ancient rhythms of the seasons.
Interfaith Activist Amanda Quaraishi on Islam and the Eco
Allah replied: "There is a reward for serving any living being."
5 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Eco Outdoor Space
Cultivating your garden can also alleviate stress and anxiety.
Eco Apocalypse: This Week’s New Yorker Fiction Is Terrifyingly Good
All of a sudden, the environment, the natural world, is a major player again.
What Crazy Material Are These Dresses Made From? An Artist Challenges our Perceptions
Did you guess marble? I didn’t. I thought it was cotton—or some new chemically engineered fabric! It reminded me that “Perception is reality,” or so I have heard. “Who made these?” You ask. Meet Alasdair Thomson and his beautifully living marble sculptures. Mimicking the flow, and breathe that an…