Ani Phyo's Healthfully Decadent Raw Coconut Kream Recipe
Dessert has always been my favorite part of any meal (though I do love apps!) and while I’ve managed to tame my sweet tooth in the last few years, I’ve by no means eliminated it. (By tame I mean I can get my sweet-happys from maple syrup, honey, and desserts…
Best Office Air Cleaners: Get Your Indoor Plant On
If your office environment is anything like mine, chances are you’re surrounded by rows and rows of cubical farms (covered in hideous synthetic fabric pattern!), with circulated air and very little natural light. Although its not something you think about all the time, the air quality of most offices is…
Nature Kids, Hot Water Woes, and Pellet Stoves
I want my child to connect with nature, but how can a suburban park be designed to both protect visitors from Lyme disease–carrying ticks and restore the natural ecosystem? —Lena Crandall, Scarsdale, NY The funny thing about wildlife (even the kind that finds its way into parks and playgrounds in…
EVO's Big-Tent Green Shopping Revolution
Last week, EVO, the get-everything-green-in-one-place site launched, and it’s pretty awesome. They have a ‘Green Rating System’ for each one of their products that works like this: Simply put, how green a product is depends on what it’s made from, how it’s produced, the distance it travels to reach the…
A Bottle of No Thanks, Please
Bottled water is so easy. It’s water, in a bottle, genius! I remember when it was chic and served in the finest restaurants. Then one morning I woke up and my mother told me we were getting a water bottle for the house. No longer was the tap good enough. …
Ewwww…..This is Why You Need a Water Filter!
On the left is the filter that was replaced, on the right is the new filter. Bottled water sucks, we all know that (if you don’t know why, read this article and you’ll know everything): You can Go Here and read my top 5 reasons for eschewing the bottle…. –It…
I saw these super-creative light fixtures at the Haute Green design exhibit at the end of May and was really taken with them. Turns out I’m not the only one: see more about them here, and here. GreenLight is part of an experimental design project out of NYU. A solar…
Love Lost and Hope Found at "Design for the Other 90%"
Text by Guest-Blogger Josh Wiese Images by Starre Vartan and Josh Wiese Have you ever just known that the person who’s call you’re eagerly awaiting is the one for you? I mean THE ONE. It’s this strange penetrating feeling you just can’t shake. You want to. It doesn’t make sense,…
Kiwi & Pink & Business Week, Oh My!
The Green is spreading! First up is Kiwi– maybe those with kids have already heard of this great magazine centered around healthy and green living for parents (it seems to have been out for about 6 months now), but I just came across my first issue. Kiwi is super-informative, with…
Thank You for Not Smoking
While, admittedly, there was a brief time I smoked cigarettes regularly (hey, I was living in Spain, give me a break), I’ve always found it EXTREMELY maddening that not only do smokers foul the air, but they toss their butts all over the damn place. I live next to the…