What to Do with Overripe Summer Fruit? Make a Delicious Crisp!
The crisp with chopped fruit, before oat topping If you’re like me, and have a crazy-busy life, sometimes you come home after three days of running around, and realize that all that delicious fresh fruit you bought at the farmer’s market is….turning (into compost, slowly, on the counter). I find…
Sara Snow's – Fresh Living: The Essential Room-By-Room Guide to a Greener, Healthier Family and Home
I first became familiar with Sara Snow when I was pregnant and on bed-rest. Between reading baby books and eating I watched her Discovery show Get Fresh with Sara Snow and enjoyed her ease and playful approach to environmentalism. I love how Sara always mixes stories of her childhood into…
Tell the USDA to Regulate GE/GMOs
Genetically modified organisms were not sufficiently tested before entering our food chain. Today, more than 60-70% of packaged foods contain ingredients that have been genetically engineered. Loopholes have allowed industry to avoid disclosure regarding genetically altered food products and it is time to demand testing and regulation. Concerned citizens have…
Get The To a (Green?) Nunnery! And Lots More.
Yay Episcopalian nuns, they’ve gone green! (I was raised Episcopalian but am a damn pagan these days, but still, I’m proud of them). Also, watch for the scary ‘ghost nets’ and OMG!!! Schnozzberries! Another fine ep of Zaproot for your green amusement (and horror).
Brainforest: How Does Community Sustain Us?
Brainforest is a Chicago-based creative agency that has integrated an ethos of social service (people) and sustainability (planet) into the workplace (profit). The Triple Bottom Line seems to come effortlessly to a company that volunteers at the Greater Chicago Food Depository, dedicates pro bono service per annum to a specially selected…
Soy's Eco Creds
Last month, when Starre asked us all for our New Year’s resolutions, I didn’t have to think twice about them because I’ve been thinking so much about these goals over the last year. But I just put all my eco goals for the year out there for the world to…
Eco-Beauty Consultant Jessa Blade's Recommendations for Dry Winter Skin
During Eco-Chick’s 3rd birthday party last month, I had the chance to meet eco-beauty consultant and make-up artist, Jessa Blades. Jessa is the founder of Blades Natural Beauty and is a vessel of information regarding all things organic beauty and skincare. Shortly after learning about the breast cancer and body…
Dose of Reality: Engagements
To produce that single ounce, miners have to quarry hundreds of tons of rock, which are then doused in a liquid cyanide solution to separate the gold. Payal Sampat, the campaign director for Earthworks, the mining watchdog, told The Independent: “Gold mining is arguably the world’s dirtiest and most polluting…
Dose of Reality: Happy New Year
“The science is beyond dispute… Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” I never thought I’d see the day when the President of the USA would be considered “more green” than the prime minister of Canada. I’m happy to say, that I truly believe…
Food Democracy Now! Petition Sustainable Choices for the USDA
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots campaign comprised of farmers, writers, activists, policy advocates and people who eat. A petition is circulating to bring our attention to the desperate need for sustainable practices regarding food. The Food Democracy Now! petition asks President-elect Barack Obama and newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture,…