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    Happy Green New Year!

    I get more excited about New Years Eve than I do about Christmas or my birthday combined, seriously. So I always throw a party, and my parties always singlehandedly undo every environmental effort I put forth the entire year before. Invitations, garbage, lights, tons of food… etc. So this year,…

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    Eco Holiday

    This year, to enjoy the holidays, we are minimizing gift-giving and enjoying time together. Here are some simple ways we are doing this: ~Clearing out old stuff and donating it to Goodwill and shelters ~Enjoying warm cups of organic vanilla and spice tea ~Heading out for a hike ~Lighting the…

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    My Dream (Hobbit?) House

    My friend Chris Baskind says this house is for “upwardly mobile, fashion forward hobbits.” I THINK that describes me…. OK, I’m having a severe case of house lust. Have you ever seen a cuter little abode? Check the website for more pictures, as well as plans and details of the…

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    How to Light Up Africa?

    In this image from the Smithsonian, you can see the lights of Europe at night, whereas most of Africa is dark. As an inveterate night owl, reading this article in the Independent really made me think. The piece makes the point that most Africans don’t have access to electricity in…

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    I saw these super-creative light fixtures at the Haute Green design exhibit at the end of May and was really taken with them. Turns out I’m not the only one: see more about them here, and here. GreenLight is part of an experimental design project out of NYU. A solar…

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    Score one for PCs

    Health Hazards in Electronics: · Some brominated flame retardants, used in circuit boards and plastic casings, do not break down easily and build up in the environment. Long-term exposure can lead to impaired learning and memory functions. They can also interfere with thyroid and oestrogen hormone systems and exposure in…

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    The Boston "Green" Party

    The City of Boston has announced its respected plans to revise its existing building code and make it a mandatory practice that all of the city’s private, large scale construction of at least 50,000 sq ft be “green”. All of these buildings are to adhere to the minimum LEED rating…