Why Do I Fight for the Earth? Because I'm a Joyful Girl.
Some days it seems like all the work I do on behalf of the animals, plants, insects and other life that make up all the beauty in my world is just a (pointless) drop in the bucket. Humans seems dead-set on destruction of this incredible jewel of a planet we’ve…
An enviro-moralism, substantiated by the current sense of ecological responsibility, has permeated modern discourse. Al Gore said, “this is not a political issue… it is a moral one.” One is judged by their use of plastic bags, their vehicle, their light bulbs – their consumption. The idealism has become dogmatized,…
Happy Green New Year!
I get more excited about New Years Eve than I do about Christmas or my birthday combined, seriously. So I always throw a party, and my parties always singlehandedly undo every environmental effort I put forth the entire year before. Invitations, garbage, lights, tons of food… etc. So this year,…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
My Dream (Hobbit?) House
My friend Chris Baskind says this house is for “upwardly mobile, fashion forward hobbits.” I THINK that describes me…. OK, I’m having a severe case of house lust. Have you ever seen a cuter little abode? Check the website for more pictures, as well as plans and details of the…
Radiohead's ' In Rainbows'
It all started back in 1992. Radiohead with frontman Thom Yorke had a searing single floating up the charts, a song like nothing else on the radio and the line that every teenage boy thought was cool, “I don’t care if it hurts, I wanna have control.” …
San Francisco Green Fest This Weekend— Be There!
Green Festival, The World’s Largest Environmental Expo and a joint project of Global Exchange & Co-op America is coming to San Francisco this weekend (Nov 9,10, 11) Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Concourse Exhibition Center. Tickets are on sale here. At the Green Festivals, we’re celebrating what’s working in…
One Person’s Crapola is Another’s Lifesaver
Reusing your stuff is a cheap, planet-friendly move, and now you no longer have to hold a giant yardsale to find a good home for your favorite but ill-fitting ski helmet or that extra garden hose you never seem to use. Swapping or borrowing saves resources because less stuff has…
Liveblogging from Live Earth!
—Giants Stadium, 2:45 PM EST I’m here at Live Earth in New York, which is the last show in the worldwide music celebration so we can Save Our Selves (SOS). KT Tunstall KT Tunstall is up first, after a lackluster intro by Mr. Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Are you watching? If not, you…
Live Earth!
Madonna’s vid for her Live Earth CD single, “Hey You”. Madge will be performing at Live Earth London Live Earth is coming up this Saturday, and there are still tickets available to all the shows except the one in London. I’ll be heading to the concert at Giants Stadium on…