Yigal Azroul's Scarf for Obama's Runway to Win
About six weeks ago, I was taking a work break from my NYC communal office at GreenSpaces, and I wandered into Yigal Azroul’s shop in Tribeca, CUT 25, where I was lucky enough to stumble across a most gorgeous, full-length, awesomely printed skirt (on sale). Coincidentally, when I was virtually…
Local Food Movement comes to the White House: Obama Plants a Garden!
For months, numerous groups and individuals have been petitioning the new administration to be the symbol for all Americans to follow — to lead by example and plant an organic food garden at the White House. Well the dream is becoming an reality. Tomorrow (March 20th, the first day of…
Soy's Eco Creds
Last month, when Starre asked us all for our New Year’s resolutions, I didn’t have to think twice about them because I’ve been thinking so much about these goals over the last year. But I just put all my eco goals for the year out there for the world to…
President Obama, Wear a Sweater! The POTUS' Eco Sins and Virtues
Mr. President, I know you’re originally from Hawaii, but that’s no excuse to waste fossil fuels keeping the Oval Office as warm as Honolulu! Loved this piece in the NYTimes about our new President’s style; it’s kind of an intimate look at the day-to-day life of our new POTUS and…
Dose of Reality: Happy New Year
“The science is beyond dispute… Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” I never thought I’d see the day when the President of the USA would be considered “more green” than the prime minister of Canada. I’m happy to say, that I truly believe…
Food Democracy Now! Petition Sustainable Choices for the USDA
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots campaign comprised of farmers, writers, activists, policy advocates and people who eat. A petition is circulating to bring our attention to the desperate need for sustainable practices regarding food. The Food Democracy Now! petition asks President-elect Barack Obama and newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture,…
Under President Obama, Will the FDA Finally Do Its Job?
Under Bush’s leadership, the FDA has failed us. The Food and Drug Administration is supposed to be protecting us from harm, ensuring that the drugs that we take and the ingredients that go into products we use are safe. That rarely happens, however, as the FDA has put the interests…
Obama's First Five Eco Jobs and Green Gadgety Goodness from Zaproot!
How Green is Your Vote?
One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on Cnn.com since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…