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    Why Surf? Why NOT to Surf!

    Ed. Note: My Dad, Gerry Vartan, is a lifelong surfer (see bio below); this is him with his board. I can never remember a time when my Dad wasn’t scanning the ocean near his Sydney home to check out the breaks; he’s been surfing much longer than I’ve been around.…

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    Eco Chick News Tweets!

    Tweet This! How The Media Abandoned the Environment, at new techie-with-a-heart-of-green EcoTechDaily. Check Chris Baskind’s op/ed on the lack of environmental coverage in mainstream media: No, you’re not imagining things. With U.S. gasoline prices edging toward $4.00 a gallon; oil prices at an all-time high, demand for materials such as…

  • Creative Arts

    How to Score an Eco Chick?

    Mr. EcoGeek himself (aka Hank Green) put together this hilarious piece on how to impress (read: seduce) a green girl with your enviro cred. Title: “EcoGeek’s Guide to Getting Girls”! Love it. Being a guy, naturally he wrote a lot about how to get a woman in bed, or at…