Cure-All for Modern Life: Green Tea!
Tea is harvested by real people like this woman, so choose organic, fair-trade leaves when you’re at the store. While I’m practically allergic to the caffeine in coffee (though I so love the taste), some days I couldn’t get by without a little green or white tea to perk me…
Rally for a Strong, Clean 2007 Energy Bill!
By Guest-Blogger Lorna Li This fall auto industry workers, environmental organizations and student groups rally hard for Congress to pass a 2007 Energy Bill that includes higher fuel efficiency and renewable energy standards. Will you rally with them? What’s on the plate is a fuel efficiency standard that the Senate…
“We want to protect our lands, but we also need to awaken the people in The North. You are living in a dream, what you are doing is destroying the Earth.”
Talk about an Amazon woman! Anthropologist Zoe Tryon is working with the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian rainforest to help both protect their culture from undue outside influence while still giving them the skills they need to deal with those same outsiders who see their land as a place to…
The 11th Hour, A.K.A. Leo's Movie!
As almost anyone who reads this site knows, we are at a critical point in human history, and I truly don’t think its hyperbole to write that we are utterly screwed if we don’t make some seriously smart choices regarding our environment in the next few years. This conceit is…
Ocean Acidification: Another Symptom of Global Warming
I attended the 8th Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture at the Smithsonian on March 5th entitled “What Corals Are Dying To Tell Us About CO2 and Ocean Acidification.” Ken Caldeira, the presenter, spoke to about 500 people in a packed auditorium about the current trends worldwide in coral reef…
Oscars Still Light Green
Well, the Oscars are over, and while there’s just no way that a party this big can be environmentally-friendly, efforts were made to make this Oscar greener than ever (though the website doesn’t detail exactly how impacts were reduced), it says: This year, the Academy, the Oscar telecast producer Laura…
Tired of Drinking Water?
Especially in the winter, I don’t really enjoy drinking good old H2O, except after a workout. I don’t want to ingest anything too sweet, or milky either, so I drink ridiculous amounts of herbal tea (sadly, I cannot handle caffeine). Now I’ve found a few new additions to my repertoire…
Amazon Watch's 10th Anniversary & Fundraiser
Amazon Watch recently celebrated it’s 10th Anniversary of supporting the rainforests of the Amazon basin and the region’s indigenous people. The fundraiser, held at Gallery One in San Francisco, was both a profoundly moving and educational event. Sixteen year old Q’orianka Kilcher, award winning actress and indigenous rights activist…
Rainforest Action Network gets jiggy at Plumm
Sorry I didn’t tell you guys in time, but I headed over to Plumm last night to see what Whoopi, Chris, and Norah had to say during the Rainforest Action Network benefit. I just wanted to hog Noth all to myself (okay, not really, but…) I had an O.K. time.…
Rosita Arvigo: Rainforest Home Remedies
I picked up this book some time ago when it was recommended by a good friend, and I love it. To get an international perspective on herbalism and holistic health adds a new dimension to living well. Rosita Arvigo is the co-author of this, one of several books she has…