The Avoided Topic
Original illustration for Eco Chick by Gregory Grigoriou of I See Dots The Problem This month, one of E/ The Environmental Magazine’s feature stories is about the the myth of the population dearth, the idea that we’re not replacing ourselves at quite the rate we have during the heights of human population growth, which occurred…
Communal Tool Sharing
Ever embarked on a home project, but didn’t have the tools needed or the money/space to buy and store them? Like most renters, buying a huge stash of tools isn’t feasible for me anytime soon. That’s why there are resources like the Berkeley tool library. One of the first libraries…
Enviro News Round Up
We seem to be having quite a bit of a drop in posts around here! I’m hoping to rack up some goodies this weekend, but we’ll see. Until then, here is some fairly generic (yet oh so interesting!!!) environmental news. Need a new reason to go on that diet? Well,…
Ladies Love Lube!
Guestblogger Wendy Strgar, is the owner and founder of Good Clean Love (they make the above lube) a manufacturer of all-natural love and intimacy products. Married for over 23 years with four children, Wendy teaches about Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which recognizes the importance of valueing the renewable…
Eco-Chick Business: ecohome, berkeley ca
ecohome is definitely on my top 10 list of eco resources in my neighborhood that I’m thrilled to discover. Co-owned by two fellow eco-chicks Nina Boeddeker and Taja di Leonardi, ecohome sells “ecological & healthy home improvement products” (flooring, cabinetry, countertops, tiles, paints & plaster, stains & sealers) at really…
For some reason, in my life, Arcosanti keeps appearing whenever I’m doing research on something else. I’m drawn to this experiment in human living and I think that means that someday I will end up there. Paolo Soleri, and architect who studied with Frank Lloyd Wright, is the father of Arcosanti,…
Ignite Your Creative Fire Works This Weekend
Well for any of you who are lucky and are getting a few extra days off for the 4th fourth of July holiday weekend, then you still have a few days to put the finishing touches or create your submission for the Global Green Sustainable Design Competition for New Orleans.…
Sustainable Art Blooms in London
Photo by Edmund Sumner I love it when art and sustainability meet and create something wholly unexpected, something that’s fun, and gets us to think a little differently than we did before. The London Oasis is a flower-shaped sculpture, which, like a real flower, absorbs the sun’s energy (with photovoltaic…
Thoughtful Things
ona is a Lithuanian-based home decor and online art store. Need I say their stuff is gorgeous? I don’t know about you, but I have ended up buying gifts for many a wedding/baby shower/house warming of late. And not everyone appreciates a donation to Greenpeace in lieu of a gift! While not…
Earthships Take Flight
About ten years ago I was in Colorado and one of my friends took me to see some alternative housing structures that were being built in the mountains. The first was an amazing teepee that had a woodstove and the second was an ‘earthship’. I was blown away by the…