Growing a Greener Apartment
Living in a city, especially one as walking and public-transport oriented as New York, is way more sustainable than the ‘burbs or the country, since resources for so many people are centralized. You can go even greener by renting or buying an apartment that’s in one of the green buildings…
Loving, Naturally
A few great natural products i’ve recently fallen in love with for my uber sensitive skin: Sunshine Spa’s Brown Sugar Scrub Mango Ginger: this organic brown sugar scrub is amazing! I have super sensitive skin and this scrub leaves my skin smooth and happy after shaving. Contains lots of great…
How to Score an Eco Chick?
Mr. EcoGeek himself (aka Hank Green) put together this hilarious piece on how to impress (read: seduce) a green girl with your enviro cred. Title: “EcoGeek’s Guide to Getting Girls”! Love it. Being a guy, naturally he wrote a lot about how to get a woman in bed, or at…
A Bottle of No Thanks, Please
Bottled water is so easy. It’s water, in a bottle, genius! I remember when it was chic and served in the finest restaurants. Then one morning I woke up and my mother told me we were getting a water bottle for the house. No longer was the tap good enough. …
Is Carbon Offsetting The Environmental Equivalent To Sending Roses?
by guest-blogger Craig Platt Watch this video to understand the situation As the saying goes, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. So goes the running argument about whether offsetting your carbon footprint is a useful contribution to our eco-system or just another futile exercise in pretending to…
Planet Thrive
Planet Thrive is a useful website for those who are holistically inclined. This online community has a network of international members who are all interested in health and wellness. This interest is expressed in everything from blogging, poetry, and creative writing, to information sharing, classifieds, and personal stories. The founder,…
“We want to protect our lands, but we also need to awaken the people in The North. You are living in a dream, what you are doing is destroying the Earth.”
Talk about an Amazon woman! Anthropologist Zoe Tryon is working with the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian rainforest to help both protect their culture from undue outside influence while still giving them the skills they need to deal with those same outsiders who see their land as a place to…
Tahoe and Yukon Hybrids: Sensible or Stupid?
I was embarrassed. There’s no other way to describe how a green, treehugging, environmental blogger such as myself felt clambering into a Chevy Tahoe outside a restaurant on the West Side of Manhattan recently. This ‘full-size’ (read that as gigantically huge) SUV was a hybrid, true, but its slightly lower…
Flushie Gets Wet This Summer
Few things are as beautifully refreshing as a summer swim. Clear, cool water, the lull of chirping birds, and the bubbling of fecal matter. According to the EPA, sewage overflows deposit nearly 860 billion gallons of sewage in America’s local waterways annually. A Right to Know for Clean Waters is…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…