Budhi Teen Care: Foundation for Healthier Skin
I’m obsessed with washing my face. I never go a night without it. No matter how exhausted, or what a late night I’ve had, I go to the sink and take all my makeup off, and make sure to put on a ton of moisturizer. I don’t do it just…
Abercrombie and Fitch (Deservedly) Earns Green Teens' Wrath with Mall Protest
Abercrombie and Fitch has long walked the ‘adored by teens, hated by adults’ line, what with controversies sparked by their scantily-clad (and strangely hairless) models and ugly-people-need-not-apply hiring practices. But now they’ve pissed off the kids, and they’re fighting back with 70’s-style in-person protests (hey, 70’s is totally IN) of…
‘Teens Turning Green’ Eco Body Care Now Available at Whole Foods
Most teenage girls experiment with a lot of different cosmetics and body care products, trying out different brands, colors and scents. But concern about what’s in those products isn’t just limited to adults, and that’s how ‘Teens for Safe Cosmetics website: “Our goal is to affect change in a positive…
Cell Towers and Health Effects: Cellular Disservice?
This past week a local in my town contacted me to see if I would be interested in discussing the issues surrounding a potential cellular tower that would be constructed within one mile of my house. Some of us from the town had the chance to voice our concerns to…
Eco Chick FINALLY Run on Renewable Energy!
Since I run Eco Chick from my home office, and since up until last month renewable energy was NOT available from my electricity provider, this blog was run entirely on fossil fuels (how embarassing!). On one hand it was kinda cool; my electric never came from a huge corporation like…