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    A Bottle of No Thanks, Please

    Bottled water is so easy.  It’s water, in a bottle, genius!  I remember when it was chic and served in the finest restaurants.  Then one morning I woke up and my mother told me we were getting a water bottle for the house.  No longer was the tap good enough. …

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    Apple, Schmapple

    I’ve heard rumblings about the paucity of places where you can recycled electronics and computer components, but thus far, I haven’t had to deal with any myself, so honestly, I’ve been a bit ignorant about the totally retarded state of they system. The other day I finally bought a new…

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    Just a thought

    Recently I found myself engaged in several discussions about taking care of our environment as a matter of personal integrity, choice, and responsibility. One such conversation happened with a stranger in a training course I was attending. The man works for the EPA. He looked to be in his early…

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    Can You Go No Impact?

    Image by Nicole Bengiveno for the NYTimes Fascinating article in the NYTimes about a family in Manhattan who is practicing a “No Impact” (on the Earth) lifestyle. Of course, his family were uberconsumers to begin with, and now they’re going cold turkey: Colin Beavan, 43, a writer of historical nonfiction,…

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    The Good in Goodwill

    One of the advantages of living in a city where the distribution of wealth is so disproportionate and patently unfair is that lots of rich people throw away lots of nice things. If you are a scavenger or a dumpster diver by principle, then Los Angeles is a good place…

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    Thank You for Not Smoking

    While, admittedly, there was a brief time I smoked cigarettes regularly (hey, I was living in Spain, give me a break), I’ve always found it EXTREMELY maddening that not only do smokers foul the air, but they toss their butts all over the damn place. I live next to the…