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    Nylon Struts Their Organic Stuff

    For how cutting-edge this magazine is, they still haven’t found a new opening line to introduce organic fashions in their newsletter. Instead, they go with the age old adage of:   “Environmentally-friendly fashion isn’t limited to the Birkenstock clad activist look. If wearing hemp from head to toe isn’t your…

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    "Fairplay" in the Sack

    (.)(.) Must be 18 years or older (or the equivalent to AA’s Dov Charney) to read this blog entry.   (Caption: Meet Dov) According to the Kinsey Institute’s FAQ, 54% of men think about sex every day or several times a day, whereas only 20% of us women, on the other hand,…

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    KTK Handmade

    I have been a bag-lady for a long time. Often disappointed with the offerings at most retailers, I tend to look for more original pieces than the ususal fare. On a women’s camping trip I attended five years ago I met Kerrigan Kessler, a talented designer who was carrying a…