Nylon Struts Their Organic Stuff
For how cutting-edge this magazine is, they still haven’t found a new opening line to introduce organic fashions in their newsletter. Instead, they go with the age old adage of: “Environmentally-friendly fashion isn’t limited to the Birkenstock clad activist look. If wearing hemp from head to toe isn’t your…
A Little "C'mon I Wanna Laia"
I live my life on the turn of a dime. Honestly, I do. Most of the time I decide what to do that day, that day. The spice of life for me is spontaneity. I live it all the time. I don’t think we, as a society, do enough of…
"Fairplay" in the Sack
(.)(.) Must be 18 years or older (or the equivalent to AA’s Dov Charney) to read this blog entry. (Caption: Meet Dov) According to the Kinsey Institute’s FAQ, 54% of men think about sex every day or several times a day, whereas only 20% of us women, on the other hand,…
A Barrage of Accessories from the Frontlines of Fashion
Vintage clothing and accessories have always been quite popular among certain fashionista crowds, but it’s definitely been building steam over the past few years. Perhaps it’s what the vintage piece conveys – which is a story behind each novelty product. Military vintage has become of great interest to me as of late, perhaps…
KTK Handmade
I have been a bag-lady for a long time. Often disappointed with the offerings at most retailers, I tend to look for more original pieces than the ususal fare. On a women’s camping trip I attended five years ago I met Kerrigan Kessler, a talented designer who was carrying a…