People Won't Change for the Environment (on my campus)
A recent article outlines a pretty simplistic poll conducted in London about people’s willingness to change their behaviour for the good of the planet. A straw poll of 15 British men and 15 British women between the ages of 25-75 in central London, showed all were willing to make small…
Starre Vartan to Speak at "Plugging Into Green" Panel in Brooklyn
P.S. 107 Kicks off its 5th Annual “Readings on the 4th Floor” Series by Plugging into the Green Movement Leading writers from the frontlines of “green” discuss life and community-changing strategies. Why in a city with the cleanest water in the country do the mass of New Yorkers cling to…
The Week in Green
I decided that there is so much “green” news out there each week that I would update Eco-Chick readers on what I think are the most interesting stories and topics. Here is “The Week in Green.” Be Green and Vote: In most states you have until the end of the…
Best Office Air Cleaners: Get Your Indoor Plant On
If your office environment is anything like mine, chances are you’re surrounded by rows and rows of cubical farms (covered in hideous synthetic fabric pattern!), with circulated air and very little natural light. Although its not something you think about all the time, the air quality of most offices is…
Eco-Hunk: David Suzuki
David Suzuki is a Canadian hero, one of our top 10 Canadians even. He is best known for his television show The Nature Of Things airing across the world. He is a scientists and avid environmentalist. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation which as the mission of finding…
How Green is Your Vote?
One of our readers pointed out a lack of political discourse on environmental issues. Earthlab has compiled a breakdown of what the candidates wish to accomplish with regard to the environment. Alex, thanks for bringing this up and for the link from earthlab! 2008 Presidential Candidates – Environment Top Democrat…
Modern Maillots and More from Meadow
Meadow’s designs are all about the detail, from creatively lined pockets to patterned layers, all presented in modern neutrals and natural (but not boring) tones of green, blue and lavender. The line is designed with fabrics like hemp, Tencel, and bamboo, and while some of the pieces have a vintage…
The Kids Are Not Going to Be Alright: They're Going to Be Pissed
Several of my friends have had babies in the last few years, and some are on their second round already. Though it seems to me that there are far too many people on the planet already, it’s difficult to begrudge anyone the basic human drive to reproduce, and my friends’…
Ecospot Winners!
Current TV and The Alliance for Climate Protection have just announced the winners of their “60 Seconds to Save the Earth Ecospot contest”, which was open to everyone. A panel of celebrity judges including George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Orlando Bloom and Rihanna, as well as Alex Bogusky of leading ad…
Gotta Keep on Top of the Bills!
Yeesh! There’s a flurry of activity surrounding environmental issues in Congress and it’s all I can do to keep up! Here’s what’s going on: TOMORROW, on Halloween, the House is set to vote on HR 2262, which updates the incredibly outdated (and super destructive) Mining Act of 1872. That’s right,…