What’s It Like to Have Your Period in Nigeria?
She says, “The problem is that my parents, and even a lot of my friend’s parents, cannot afford to give us money to buy pads."
Preventing Rape in the Congo Fights Deforestation—Here’s How
Tackling sexual violence against women in the Congo is a direct way to fight deforestation. And stop rape. But our smartphone addiction is exacerbating conflict.
How Women’s Rights and Environmental Destruction Go Hand-in-Hand
We’ve got it all wrong — Our efforts to conquer nature have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse. And that’s inextricably tied to the long-abusive relationship between men and women. Women’s bodies are battlefields in wars fought over fertile soil, land, oil, minerals, and bragging rights. Just as…
Welcome to My New Column on Ecofeminism
You’re probably here because you care about women, the environment, or both. You’ve come to the right place, because these two subjects are intimately tied to each other. Hey everyone, welcome to my new ecofeminism column with Eco-Chick. Once a week, I’ll be tackling a variety of topics here, all…
1/3 of Women and Girls Worldwide Don’t Have Toilets: Here’s Why That’s a Feminist and Environmental Issue
And could toilets create livelihoods for women?
Breast Cancer Fund’s Janet Nudelman Breaks Down BPA Dangers: Heroines for the Planet
Two out of three cans tested have a hazardous chemical in the lining.
Run (10K) For It! Lauren Bush Lauren’s FEED Project Race Benefits Food Insecure
I'm all about training for a race, particularly when its for such a worthy cause.
Softcup Totally Changed my Relationship with My Period—For the Better
I’ve been shy about trying a menstrual cup, but I'm so glad I did.
25 Years Fighting for Women’s Health: “You Have to Face Up to Bullies” says CEO Susie Hewson
Hewson refers to her work as an obligation and responsibility, not a decision.
Najla: Beautiful, Organic Lingerie Inspired by NYC’s History
An historic brand brings organic lingerie to the the modern era.