Miessence: Organic Food for My Skin
My personal quest to find a skin care line that isn’t toxic like most conventional skin products and WORKS is finally over! I recently discovered a brand, Miessence owned by Australian based company, ONE (Organic and Natural Enterprise) Group that perfectly fits those 2 needs. Since that time, I’ve become…
Green Tahoe!
I hit up south Lake Tahoe this past weekend for some great hiking and R&R and was super happy I went. Right now is a great time to go since it’s right after the ski season has ended but before the summer crowd takes over the town (waay cheaper +…
"50 Simple Steps to Save the Earth from Global Warming"
50 Simple Steps to Save the Earth from Global Warming by the Green Patriot Working Group is a really accessible guide of 50 simple steps to take to help protect the planet, with great additional resources listed to learn more. Although the average eco-conscious person is most likely already aware…
The Designer's Accord
At this year’s AIGA’s Compost Modern event I was really excited to be introduced to The Designer’s Accord, “a coalition of designers, educators, researchers, engineers, business consultants, and corporations, who are working together to create positive environmental and social impact.” Originally referred to as the “Kyoto Treaty of Design,” the…
Green Cleaning Resource
photo by Bianca de Blok Cleaning products are up there on the list of “things I hate to spend $$ on” — they come in a close second to toilet paper. So basically any type of green home remedy I can make in place of buying conventional cleaning products is…
Amazon Watch: Chevron Bash in SF
Chevron (formerly Texaco) has admitted to dumping more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the pristine Ecuadorian Amazon, creating one of the most contaminated industrial sites on the planet. Nearly four decades and billions of dollars in profit later, Chevron refuses to take responsibility for the resulting environmental…
Best Office Air Cleaners: Get Your Indoor Plant On
If your office environment is anything like mine, chances are you’re surrounded by rows and rows of cubical farms (covered in hideous synthetic fabric pattern!), with circulated air and very little natural light. Although its not something you think about all the time, the air quality of most offices is…
Bike to Work Week 2008!
Grab your bike out of the garage because May is national Bike Month and Bike to Work Day 2008 is on May 15 in the Bay area! If you sign up to pledge that you’ll ride your bike to work on this day, you’ll be entered to win a new…
Green Collar Jobs Report Released
Raquel Pinderhughes, Ph.D.’s “GREEN COLLAR JOBS : An Analysis of the Capacity of Green Businesses to Provide High Quality Jobs for Men and Women with Barriers to Employment” is a really interesting case study assessing “…the potential of Bay Area green businesses to provide high quality green collar jobs to…
Upcoming Exhibition: Fashion Conscious Designs that will change the world one garment at a time @ UC Davis
As part of their “Year of Eco-Exhibitions,” the UC Davis Design Museum & Design Collective in Davis, CA will host Fashion Conscious, an exhibition focused on sustainable fashion design from May 15th thru July 13, 2008. This exhibition explores sustainability and how it relates to the current clothing market, from…