Little Blue Periwinkles: Annals of Wonder
Editor’s Note: Welcome to my new column, Annals of Wonder. I find the natural world to be an endless source of fascination and joy, and I know there are others out there who feel the same. This column, Annals of Wonder, will explore and celebrate life on Earth. This isn’t…
How to Save Money and Be Environmentally Friendly Using Green Energy
Let’s be honest. We’re all looking for ways to save a few bucks. Have you ever called a Liverpool Generator Specialist because your generator broke down? But you might not heard of the latest trick. Did you know you can now save your hard-earned dollars by investing in green energy?…
Feminism and Climate Change: Ama Budge Speaks Out on Why WOC Can’t Be Left Out
Women worldwide are disproportionately affected by climate change.
Climate Change-Friendly Milk That Empowers African Women: Camels Are the New Cows
Kenya’s increasingly severe dry spells are putting pressure on the country’s cow and goat farmers. But a project in Isiolo is helping women tap into a booming – and drought-resistant – source of income: camel milk.
Happy Tequila Day! Did You Know Plastics Can Be Made from Tequila By-Products?
Ford Motor Company has teamed up with Jose Cuervo to figure out how to use the waste agave fiber to make bioplastics for vehicles.
What’s Summer Like in Far-North Norway?
Most days, the seas are heaving, and sometimes the land heaves with it – there had been four earthquakes the day before our arrival.
1/3 of Women and Girls Worldwide Don’t Have Toilets: Here’s Why That’s a Feminist and Environmental Issue
And could toilets create livelihoods for women?
Watch an Eagle Take Out a Drone in One Swoop!
The experts are just training them to do what comes naturally.
Recycled Water is the Future. And No It’s Not Gross—Here’s Why
We may remember 2015 as the year recycled water became cool.
A Garden in an Abandoned Desert Swimming Pool: An Oasis of Food
A self-sustaining ecosystem capable of thriving in Mesa's harsh desert climate using only a tenth of the water that traditional agriculture uses.