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    SkiGreen MiniTags

    Tina Basich  Love riding or skiing but hate how driving all the way to the mountain makes you feel sooooo guilty? Besides finding out if a local ski center has a bus to the mountains (my local shop does one-day bus trips that include a lift ticket at a discount),…

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    Enviro News Round Up

    We seem to be having quite a bit of a drop in posts around here! I’m hoping to rack up some goodies this weekend, but we’ll see. Until then, here is some fairly generic (yet oh so interesting!!!) environmental news. Need a new reason to go on that diet? Well,…

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    ever wonder how much carbon you produce?

    I am so excited about this website: http://www.terrapass.com/ You can plug in information on your personal driving, flying, and household habits, numbers are calculated, and equivalent costs and information about how much carbon you have produced is given to you. Then you have the option to buy a TerraPass that…

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    Burning Man/Cooling Man?

      I have made art projects that have ended up at Burning Man, my friends have all (seemingly) gone to Burning Man, and I was supposed to go to the art and music desert festival this year, but life (in the form of being accepted to grad school unexpectedly) intervened.…

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    Stars Come Down to Earth

    Not surprisingly, now that environmentalism is ‘hot’, the stars are coming out in support of various green causes. Of course some notable celebrities have long shined light on various aspects of the environmental movement (Leo, Darryl, and Woody, I’m talkin’ about you!) So I was really excited when I found…

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    Treeflight’s nursery of trees-to-be  If you’re taking a flight soon, you’re no doubt feeling the guilt about how much carbon you’ll be spewing into the atmosphere. Ru Hartwell can allay your guilt for just a few bucks; he’ll plant a tree on his land in Wales, England for every flight…

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    Global Warming Debate in Supreme Court

    When I first read that the Supreme Court is debating global warming and whether the U.S. Government should have more stringent emissions regulations on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from automobiles, my heart skipped a beat. The Supreme Court is going to decide whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should treat…

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    Excuse Me, There’s Blood on Your Diamond

    “I don’t understand about diamonds, and why men buy them. What’s so impressive about a diamonds except the mining?” —Fiona Apple Many of the prisoner-laborers who work Sierra Leone’s open-pit mines end up in shallow graves, executed for suspected theft, for lack of production, or simply for sport. (© Jean-Claude…

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    A Story No Less Important

    All this talk about global warming and the current backlash from “anti-environmentalists” reminds me of something I experienced only months ago.   Photo of Dr. Jim Hanson courtesy of the New York Times  I attended conference at the New School in January 2006 entitled “Politics & Science” and the place was…