Heroines for the Planet: Future Weather Director Jenny Deller
Photo: Bob Persenaire. Future Weather centers on 13-year-old Lauduree, who fears the collapse of both her family and the planet. Writer/Director/Producer Jenny Deller chose to explore the complex issues of climate change through “the lens of a family drama,” as she put it, as opposed to a documentary. I had the…
Video: Olivia Zaleski Covers the Clinton Global Initiative
Olivia interviews the CEO of Avon, Andrea Jung at the Clinton Global Inititiative The Clinton Global Initiative was begun in 2005 by former President Bill Clinton in order to “…help turn good intentions into real actions and results.” Focusing on finding solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, the nonpartisan…
Hot Latin Calendar Draws Attention to Climate Change, Extinction, Conservation
Puerto Rican Alessandra Rampolla embodies global warming as the January image for the Ecological Footprint calendar. As reported by Treehugger, the Ecological Footprint calendar is a collaboration between the Azara Foundation and fashion photog Gaby Herbstein to raise awareness of global environmental issues. Super-creative and totally gorgeous shots, all! Very…
Copenhagen's (COP15) Amazing Green Art
No successful movement works without important art. Where would the hippies have been without their unique (ehm, hallucinogenic) posters, 2nd wave feminism without all those novels and creative nonfiction writings, the Vietnam protests without the music, or Civil Rights without heart-wrenching photography? Not only did these pieces of art change…
Humor in Global Warming? Yes.
From the August 24, 2009 issue of The New Yorker
Bill McKibben Talks Climate Change and 350.org with Colbert
I LOVE Colbert, and I am a long-time Bill McKibben fan; his new organization, 350.org is fighting climate change by encouraging initiatives that bring carbon down to 350ppm or lower (we are at 390 right now), which is the safe level for continued healthy and prosperous life on Earth.
How Sustainable is Your Favorite Wine? Greenopia Rates 25 Wineries
Greenopia has just rated 25 wineries for their environmental impact. Here’s why: Any oenophile worth her spitting glass has heard the dire stories about how global warming will affect wineries, altering the very microclimates that make it possible to grow champagne in Champagne, France and enable growers to eke out…
Dose of Reality: Happy New Year
“The science is beyond dispute… Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” I never thought I’d see the day when the President of the USA would be considered “more green” than the prime minister of Canada. I’m happy to say, that I truly believe…
350: Global Warming. Global Action. Global Future.
Last night I was reading my favorite magazine, Orion. Bill McKibben was discussing the campaign 350. From the website: 350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide…
WIRED Magazine's "Environmentalism"
“Attention Environmentalists: Keep your SUVs. Forget organics. Go nuclear. Screw the spotted owl.” Wow, if that is not an attention getting headline I don’t know what is. Well that is what is stated on the cover of the June issue of WIRED magazine. The headline continues “If you’re serious about…