Bamboo: Ecofriendly or Not So Much?
I’ve heard bamboo flooring is more eco-friendly than traditional pine or oak. Is this true? —Cara Truhlar, Montpelier, VT At first glance, bamboo is as green as it gets. It grows like a weed (technically, it’s a grass) and can reach harvestable height in three to five years. This crop—also…
Lucky Day at Fashion Ethic = Crazy Deals
OK, I don’t normally post emails or releases directly from stores, but these are really amazing!–SV Today, 08-08-08, Fashion Ethic celebrates their customers with a Lucky Day! As the world comes together for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, we wanted our customers to experience a day seen as triple-lucky…
Ecofashion Label Toggery: A Look Inside
I’ve been a fan of Kate D’Arcy’s line, Toggery, for some time. Her comfy, simple, and stylish pieces are all a little more than basic, with great detail. Best of all, they come in COLOR! and lots of it. Kate’s an ecofashion designer who works in way more than neutral.…
Upcoming Exhibition: Fashion Conscious Designs that will change the world one garment at a time @ UC Davis
As part of their “Year of Eco-Exhibitions,” the UC Davis Design Museum & Design Collective in Davis, CA will host Fashion Conscious, an exhibition focused on sustainable fashion design from May 15th thru July 13, 2008. This exhibition explores sustainability and how it relates to the current clothing market, from…
Sweet Pepita Clothing
Shannon Kline is the creator of Sweet Pepita Clothing. Using recycled fabrics from old, funky tee’s and 100% organic cotton, Sweet Pepita blends sustainability with hip, retro style. You can send Shannon a favorite old tee-shirt that you don’t want to get rid of and she will give it new…
Sublet: Subtly Sexy
Sublet’s mellow-sexy bamboo and organic cotton tops and dresses make dressing sustainable downright simple. The genesis of the label is a reflection of how the designers of the line met-cute: After responding to a Craigslist sublet posting during college, Inessah found herself dragging two suitcases up three flights of stairs…
Nature Kids, Hot Water Woes, and Pellet Stoves
I want my child to connect with nature, but how can a suburban park be designed to both protect visitors from Lyme disease–carrying ticks and restore the natural ecosystem? —Lena Crandall, Scarsdale, NY The funny thing about wildlife (even the kind that finds its way into parks and playgrounds in…
Quality, Not Quantity: Organic and Natural Toys
When we first started to register for baby gifts we knew that we wanted to avoid being inundated with primary colored hunks of plastic that scream encouraging jargon (“great job!!” said the machine…) whilst playing a neon light show that could stimulate anyone into a state of ADD. Now that…
7 Sexiest Green Stars of 2007
The results are in! Well, not really. This list is based on my humble blogger opinion. Use the comment section to claim which celebs float your green boat. With enough feedback, I hope to compile a list based on “popular,” not personal, opinion. Sheryl Crow 2007 was a great year…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…