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    Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism

    When I was in grade 12 I wrote a paper that I thought was fantastic. I hate that I can say I still have it – and got to read over it again today, it’s pretty horrible. Actually, for it being the first a) philosophy paper and b) environmental paper…

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    Dispatch from LA

    Maybe this is where Paris Hilton lives When I moved out to Los Angeles three weeks ago, some of my friends were puzzled. I am not a city girl. I don’t like clubs, or fashion, or glitz, or glamour. I sleep in my sleeping bag even at home, and I…

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    For some reason, in my life, Arcosanti keeps appearing whenever I’m doing research on something else. I’m drawn to this experiment in human living and I think that means that someday I will end up there. Paolo Soleri, and architect who studied with Frank Lloyd Wright, is the father of Arcosanti,…

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    Stars Come Down to Earth

    Not surprisingly, now that environmentalism is ‘hot’, the stars are coming out in support of various green causes. Of course some notable celebrities have long shined light on various aspects of the environmental movement (Leo, Darryl, and Woody, I’m talkin’ about you!) So I was really excited when I found…

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    Junk Mail— So Much Waste

    Although I live in a community whose recycling program accepts 99% of the junk mail I receive, it still amazes me just how much waste I get in the mail each day. Recently, many companies have given consumers the option to receive “paperless” bills via email or web, which is…

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    Ms. Green Jeans

    Check out this interview (from Grist) of Tierra del Forte, the designer behind Del Forte Denim. The questions after the jump are a little more ‘fun’ than the first few shown here, so read on! 24 Jul 2006  What work do you do?  I’m a designer and the founder of Del Forte…

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    Good News Bears

    OK, so this post has nothing to do with bears, but it does have to do with good news. Green Revolution is Heralded for Scotland – “ALL new property developments in Scotland will need to produce some of their own electricity through a micro-renewable generating plant, under one of Britain’s…

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    Truly Natural Jewelry

        This gorgeous jewelry is Verde by Gwen Davis. Gwen is dedicated to creating really beautiful and 100% sustainable jewelry. Using bamboo, Tagua nuts, vintage beads and Swarovski crystals, and recycled elements, she creates everything from earrings and bracelets to dramatic neck cuffs and pendants (above). Every part of the…

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    Volunteering, A Great Start to Activism

    ” Lately I’ve been thinking of ways in which I can help on a more local scale and get involved in the community. Yesterday, I found this great website, “Volunteer Match” that pairs people with an organization based on your location, skill set and availability. This amazing site currently has…