Dose of Reality: Happy New Year
“The science is beyond dispute… Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” I never thought I’d see the day when the President of the USA would be considered “more green” than the prime minister of Canada. I’m happy to say, that I truly believe…
Eco Chick Third Birthday and Book Party: Fun for All (Species)!!
Eco Chick is three years old! To celebrate her growing up (there are over 900 posts!) as well as the launch of my book, based on the blog, The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green, called for a kid’s themed party of course! Eco Chick Founder…
Greenpeace Rates Seafood Sustainability at Supermarkets
This week Greenpeace released the second edition of a seafood sustainability report rating North American supermarkets. The initial report gave a failing grade to every single market, including the modern green mecca of Whole Foods. At the time of the first report, not one of the markets had policies in…
Is Melamine Safe for Kids?
If you ever needed another reason to breastfeed, here it is. Four babies have died and thousands are ill after melamine was found in contaminated dairy products in Asia. The industrial toxin, which is high in nitrogen, is added to milk when producers want to artificially boost protein content. According…
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Going Local, Expanding the Cheap-Energy Mind
Every year, around this time, I get excited to head over to our local farm to start participating in our CSA (community supported agriculture.) This year I am going to try my hand at a bit of horticulture at home, but we are still keeping our CSA membership as well.…
Best Office Air Cleaners: Get Your Indoor Plant On
If your office environment is anything like mine, chances are you’re surrounded by rows and rows of cubical farms (covered in hideous synthetic fabric pattern!), with circulated air and very little natural light. Although its not something you think about all the time, the air quality of most offices is…
North America's First Carbon Tax
No more cruising the strip in British Columbia! It has recently become North America’s first jurisdiction to introduce a consumer based carbon tax! B.C Minister of Finance, Carole Taylor, also vowed that every cent will be returned through tax cuts and credits. It’s a good way to keep people aware…
Nature Kids, Hot Water Woes, and Pellet Stoves
I want my child to connect with nature, but how can a suburban park be designed to both protect visitors from Lyme disease–carrying ticks and restore the natural ecosystem? —Lena Crandall, Scarsdale, NY The funny thing about wildlife (even the kind that finds its way into parks and playgrounds in…
Fix It, Don't Toss It!
After arriving at warm home town Barranquilla, Colombia, I was in the process of putting away my winter clothes, when inside my jacket’s pocket I found an unfamiliar object. I reached inside and out came a pair of earrings. “Nice”, I thought. And tried to remember where I had gotten…