Little Blue Periwinkles: Annals of Wonder
Editor’s Note: Welcome to my new column, Annals of Wonder. I find the natural world to be an endless source of fascination and joy, and I know there are others out there who feel the same. This column, Annals of Wonder, will explore and celebrate life on Earth. This isn’t…
Why Congo Soldiers Use Rape As a War Tactic (and What Your Smartphone Has to Do With It)
When the Second Congo War erupted in 1998, Chouchou noticed a new phenomenon. Women were being raped in public by rebel groups. But nobody wanted to talk about it.
Ecofeminism Explained (by Activists, Ecofeminists, and Me)
7 ideas from the iconic, influential "Ecofeminism as Politics" along with quotes from the equally insightful work by Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies in their jointly published 2014 book, "EcoFeminism."
What’s Summer Like in Far-North Norway?
Most days, the seas are heaving, and sometimes the land heaves with it – there had been four earthquakes the day before our arrival.
Drought Not Drab: Changing California Gardens (For The Better!)
Enjoy California it in all its natural glory.
Help Elephants During Elephant Week with Fab Art and Eco Fashion
It's Elephant Week at Eco-Chick!
Ocean Plastic Turned Useful in Hyper-Modern New Sneaker by Adidas and Parley
Scientists predict that by 2025 all the coral reef ecosystems in the world will be gone. Leading environmentalists expect to see the majority of sea life extinct in 6 to 16 years. Most of us don’t realize how dire a situation this is: Diminishment of biodiversity in our ocean is…
Natural Puerto Rico: The Incredible Las Salinas Salt Flats at the Cabo Rojo Wildlife Refuge
Drive to the end of Rte 301 and you may as well be driving onto the moon.
Breathtaking Portraits: Why Are These Climate Scientists So Scared?
If some of the greatest minds in the planet are afraid, why aren’t the rest of us?
Litterbugs Beware! Watch This Russian Biker Chick Teach Slobs a Lesson
This video has given me my hit of wish-fulfillment for the day!