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    Why is Europe greener (really)?

    In case you missed it, The New York Times Magazine was devoted to green architecture on Sunday. It printed several articles, including a piece by the Times’ chief architecture critic, Nicolai Ourousoff, that I found especially interesting. In it, he asks, not entirely rhetorically, Why Are They (Europe) Greener Than…

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    What's the point?

    The particular question that I’m proposing to all of you seems to be so simple, but is loaded with consequences, philosophies and ideas. People have examined the data around global warming and have concluded that we’re in a tight spot for the very near future. How do these people continue…

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    A Green Tax for 'Binge' Flyers

    By guest-blogger C. Tenz When the publisher of a guidebook series says people fly too much, we know we’re in deep CO2 trouble. But that’s exactly what Mark Ellingham, the founder of the Rough Guides, said in an interview recently in The Observer. In an article celebrating the guidebook series’…

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    IPCC's last report

    If Ralph knows it, you REALLY should know it. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told us earlier this year that we’re basically all screwed. That the poor are even more screwed. And that we need to do something about it. Today they will be releasing the fourth report, where…

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    30×30 says Bloomberg

    On Sunday, April 22nd, New York City’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg will announce PlaNYC 2030 – one of the more advanced 25-year climate action plans put forth to date. After six months of work, the NYC team put together a plan that will reduce the city’s total emissions 30 percent by…

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    Andrew Revkin and the NY Times

    With all the recent global warming coverage in the mainstream media, I find it reassuring that some journalists, though certainly not enough, are writing about the implications for people who live in poverty. Environmentalism—whether we’re talking about climate change, organic food, or access to green space— is a class issue.…

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    Step It Up 2007 and Sea of People

    Feeling like you just can’t curb your carbon emissions much more, and wondering what else YOU can do about global warming? The next step is getting the government on the bandwagon, and Step It Up 2007 is doing just that, through public action: This April 14th, tens of thousands of…