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    Deplasticize Your Life!

    This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…

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    Green Tahoe!

    I hit up south Lake Tahoe this past weekend for some great hiking and R&R and was super happy I went. Right now is a great time to go since it’s right after the ski season has ended but before the summer crowd takes over the town (waay cheaper +…

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    Green in Paris

    So I think I have used up my allotment of fossil fuels for at least the remainder of this year, or more likely the next decade. Why? My husband surprised me with a birthday trip to Paris last weekend. Americans have a love/hate relationship with the French. So of course…

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    Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts

    It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…

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    Cure-All for Modern Life: Green Tea!

    Tea is harvested by real people like this woman, so choose organic, fair-trade leaves when you’re at the store.  While I’m practically allergic to the caffeine in coffee (though I so love the taste), some days I couldn’t get by without a little green or white tea to perk me…

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    EVO's Big-Tent Green Shopping Revolution

    Last week, EVO, the get-everything-green-in-one-place site launched, and it’s pretty awesome. They have a ‘Green Rating System’ for each one of their products that works like this: Simply put, how green a product is depends on what it’s made from, how it’s produced, the distance it travels to reach the…