Beautiful Fair-Trade and Ethical Wedding Dresses: Lena Medoyeff Studio Does it Right
This designer creates affordable, modern wedding dresses from Fair Trade materials.
Puzzle Apparel’s New DIY: Design It Yourself, Artisan-Made Clothes
Puzzle Apparel brings together two of my favorite ways of making clothes: customization and artisanship.
Sustainable Design from Bastet Noir: Representing Eco Fashion from the Balkans
The magnificent designs and incredible craft of Balkan artisans has a long history, but fresh talent needed a booster.
T-Shirts Support Bangladesh Garment Industry Workers
The Spectrum&Ali&Tazreen&Rana T-Shirts were made to support and cause awareness of the growing epidemic that is fast fashion and the horrific garment factories pushing clothing and accessories out at breakneck speeds. Each of the four garment factories listed on the t-shirt have contributed to roughly 1,618 deaths, an equal amount…
Ethical Hair Extensions: Green Beauty for Drag Queens & Makeup Fiends
Most hair is sourced from poverty-stricken communities in nations like India, China, Brazil, Russia and Eastern Europe. But there are ethical options.
BeGood Clothing’s Bright Colors for a Sustainable Spring
BeGood Clothing is a socially responsible and eco-friendly clothing store located online and on Union Street in San Francisco. The store is giving a new face to sustainable fashion by carrying 40 brands and designers that each give back to a different eco or humanitarian cause, while being on the…
Bhalo: Hand Created, Ethical Prints to Excite and Amuse
For a print-junkie like me, Bhalo's hand-printed, loomed and embroidered textiles are love at first close-up.
Neon Buddha: Simple, Comfy Style
It’s the depths of winter, I’m feeling less than svelte, and honestly, I haven’t donned anything less stretchy than a pair of leggings in three weeks. I spent the holiday holed up in Vermont writing a book proposal (and romping in the snow). Shortly, I’ll be returning to my part-time…
Recycled Plastic Bodum Coffee Press
I had been wanting one for a while. A beautiful french press that I could call my own. My mornings aren’t quite right without my two cups of fair trade black coffee. So when I scored this Bodum coffee press made from 30 percent post-consumer plastic in a bad Santa gift game…
Edge of Ember: Simply Chic Jewelry That Supports South and Southeast Asian Women
Edge of Ember jewelry is more than meets the eye. Trend-driven styles and a sweet price point mean that accessories trend followers will love the line, but the backstory—that the pieces are made by southeast and south Asian women who need a leg up—makes these more than mere baubles. And…