Eco Chick Third Birthday and Book Party: Fun for All (Species)!!
Eco Chick is three years old! To celebrate her growing up (there are over 900 posts!) as well as the launch of my book, based on the blog, The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green, called for a kid’s themed party of course! Eco Chick Founder…
Greenpeace Rates Seafood Sustainability at Supermarkets
This week Greenpeace released the second edition of a seafood sustainability report rating North American supermarkets. The initial report gave a failing grade to every single market, including the modern green mecca of Whole Foods. At the time of the first report, not one of the markets had policies in…
A Victory Garden at the White House?
The next U.S. president is going to have the daunting task of fixing all that has gone wrong in this country. However, I believe that both candidates are overlooking an extremely important issue — our food system. As Michael Pollan said on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show, “It’s true that neither…
Is Melamine Safe for Kids?
If you ever needed another reason to breastfeed, here it is. Four babies have died and thousands are ill after melamine was found in contaminated dairy products in Asia. The industrial toxin, which is high in nitrogen, is added to milk when producers want to artificially boost protein content. According…
The FDA Officially SUCKS!!
This is truly upsetting to me; doesn’t the FDA work for the American people? Aren’t we paying their salaries? See why I’m so pissed in the video below:
Eating Healthy on the Road – Avoid Processed Junk!
What to do when you’re traveling and need to stop for a bite to eat, and the healthiest thing available is a microwaved veggie burger from a fast food joint? I find myself in this dilemma all the time, frustratingly enough. For the majority of us, healthy and organic fast…
Deplasticize Your Life!
This movie from the 1950’s shows Disney’s “House of the Future” which is totally kitted out in plastic EVERYthing. Ironic that here I am from 2008 writing about how to get plastic out of my life! I haven’t picked up a plastic bag in weeks now*, and I’m looking for…
Miessence: Organic Food for My Skin
My personal quest to find a skin care line that isn’t toxic like most conventional skin products and WORKS is finally over! I recently discovered a brand, Miessence owned by Australian based company, ONE (Organic and Natural Enterprise) Group that perfectly fits those 2 needs. Since that time, I’ve become…
Green Tahoe!
I hit up south Lake Tahoe this past weekend for some great hiking and R&R and was super happy I went. Right now is a great time to go since it’s right after the ski season has ended but before the summer crowd takes over the town (waay cheaper +…
Organic Booze?
My husband and I are not big drinkers but recently we both wanted a beer. In trying to make our home and lives greener, we decided to try an organic beer. On a recommendation from a Whole Foods employee, we bought Peaks Organic Amber Ale. The beer was tasty and…