Toxin-Free Kid's Tea Party!
The team at Green Toys™ Inc. has a lot to celebrate. They announced that in their first year as an environmentally friendly toy company, they have been honored with these major awards: This classic yet innovative toy company turns recycled plastic milk containers into eco-friendly children’s toys that do…
Idbids for Kids
Waverly, the aquatic Idbid. The Idbids Kit for kids encourages play, learning and caring the earth. Always on the lookout for toys that will inspire my children to love nature, Idbids offers a cute, eco-friendly option. The kit contains organic Egyptian cotton toys, a bright storybook that is unique, a…
Fashion Lessons for Eco-Chicklets
Do you remember how fun it was as a little girl to go shopping with your mother, big sister, or babysitter? Those memories mark the foundation of our fashion-obsessed natures. The thing is, not all of our fashion role models at the time were eco-fashionistas. We, as the new generation…
Is Melamine Safe for Kids?
If you ever needed another reason to breastfeed, here it is. Four babies have died and thousands are ill after melamine was found in contaminated dairy products in Asia. The industrial toxin, which is high in nitrogen, is added to milk when producers want to artificially boost protein content. According…
Pedoodles Eco Kicks for Kids
Pedoodles, a small kids shoe line, has released eco-friendly kicks made from remnant leather. These shoes are really light-weight and they must be comfy, because my little ones keep going to them and bringing them to me saying “shhooose!” and requesting I put them on their feet. They come in…
Sunlight for Breastfed Babes
An interesting piece in the NY Times today discusses Vitamin D deficiency in babies and toddlers. According to the article, many breastfed children are lacking the nutrient due to many mothers’ insufficient quantity of Vit D in their breastmilk. Additionally, children are not exposed to the sun as they once…
Duck Feeding: The Rules
My kids like to feed the ducks, but does this do more harm than good? —Martin Meisenheimer, Los Angeles, CA While your neighborhood mallards aren’t going to be swinging by the drive-through anytime soon, ducks, like people, love their junk food. They will happily gobble up white bread, refined sugar,…
Osprey ReSource Series
Being an active mom on the go, I wanted a viable alternative to the flowery diaper/baby bags on the market. Most of these bags are fairly useless for someone who is more outdoors oriented, or has multiple kids. Also, the current selection of mama bags are often made from new,…
Green Kids Books "Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated the World"
I am always on the lookout for good environmentally conscious children’s books. Telling the story of Knut the world’s famous baby polar bear, in their book by the same name (Scholastic 2007), Craig Hatkoff and his two daughters Isabella and Juliana paint the picture of one precious little creature who…
Organic Style: Baby Sale for Eco Chick Readers!
Organic Style has some cute baby items, especially their gift baskets. The veggie teething rings are really well made and full of yummy organic cotton to chomp on. My kids have been playing with them for 17 months now and I will still look over and see someone with the…