Go Nancy, Go Nancy! Go Ms. Speaker of the House!
In my former life as a political blogger on Jakeneck, which alas, no longer exists, I would rant and rave about politicians’ dirty little anti-environmental votes. I got a little burnt out (and despondent) after the 2004 election and withdrew from the political discussion arena, but plenty of other hardier…
Nukes 'R'nt Us
Model and Environmentalist Betcee May, and tireless Environmental Activist Remy Chevalier want to pull the plug on Indian Point, followed by Vermont Yankee and Millstone. If you’ve been following Eco Chick for awhile, you will know that we are anti-nuclear power, even though there are some environmentalists who think that…
Nuclear Power is NOT the Wave of the Future
Betcee May emerging from the Ruins of Indian Point, Illustration by Justin Theodoro Teodoro There’s a new movement to shut down Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Westchester County, New York. Having grown up about 10 miles from this reactor, I am first in line when talk turns serious…
Vanity Fair's Green Issue Party
Vanity Fair’s party for their green issue was so much fun that I was still recovering from it 24 hours later. (It was the green martinis the amazing bartenders whipped up, and the red ones…and the wine….and not enough of the delicious raw and vegan food from Pure Food…
State of the Union Address States Something Incredible
Although our President has tried to hold back the tide of change toward cleaner healthier energy, some things he said in his last State of the Union Address suggests that he may be changing his tune, at least for now. The oil money man said that “America is addicted…
Greenpeace TV
According to a survey by Salary.com, the average worker admits to wasting 2.09 hours per eight-hour workday (not including lunch and scheduled break times). Participants in the survey sited “personal Internet” use as the biggest distracter from their workday. It is well known that the Internet does have the…