WORLD OF WASTE: America’s Mass Consumption in Images
WORLD OF WASTE: America’s Mass Consumption in Images Look at this image. Photo by Chris Jordan. Pan out . . . Photo by Chris Jordan. Pan out a little more . . . Chris Jordan. Plastic Bottles, 2007. 60×120″ That right there, is 2,000,000 plastic bottles. The amount of plastic…
Green Your Easter
Giant. Chocolate. Bunny. In case you haven’t noticed, the retail world has gone full force “Easter-Spectacular.” With Christmas over, it’s “out with the mince pies, in with the marshmallow hatchlings.” Every supermarket, drug store and big-box retailer is a psychedelic zoo of neon stuffed animals, disposable baskets and giant Styrofoam…
Infanticide and Vera’s Cub: Why Some Mothers Eat Their Young
Post copied from Living Now section of the Huffington Post. I want this baby polar bear! Well, on second thought, I want this baby polar bear for just a few weeks–before it gets teeth. In a year, that cub will look at me and say, “Hmmm, I bet you’d make…
7 Sexiest Green Stars of 2007
The results are in! Well, not really. This list is based on my humble blogger opinion. Use the comment section to claim which celebs float your green boat. With enough feedback, I hope to compile a list based on “popular,” not personal, opinion. Sheryl Crow 2007 was a great year…
Green Gifts: The Top 5 Regifting Don’ts
It’s the day after Christmas. Aside from feeling fat and hungover, you’re probably wondering how you’ll get rid of all the terrible gifts you’ve collected–the gizmo you’ll never use, the book you’ll never read, the sweater you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. Rather than toss that hideous scarf or Ricky…
Project Earth Day Fashion Show in NYC
By Olivia Zaleski and Starre Vartan The above video, filmed by Brian Clark Howard, with Olivia Zaleski as host and Starre Vartan as producer, was recorded the night before the fashion show. Check it out to hear from some of the designers who showed their stuff, as well as learn…
Sea of People Takes Lower Manhattan
by guest-blogger Olivia Zaleski Yesterday I went to my first global warming rally, which was part of the Step It Up 2007 campaign (check out their page to see fun images from all over the United States). In Battery Park at the lower tip of Manhattan, I joined an estimated…