Vegan and veggie products
As a newly proclaimed vegan I found this site extremely awesome and helpful. I’ve been a vegetarian for about 8 years but I never wanted to get into the vegan thing because of milk and cheese. But 3 weeks ago I decided to go for it! Now it’s great to…
Tilting at Windmills
Should women’s bodies be used to ‘sell’ environmentalism? Lots of folks have been discussing the Ecobabes calendar lately, and though I think the photos in the calendar are pretty tasteful (as I think the picture above, of model Betcee May is), and I certainly believe in celebrating women in the…
Blogging and Feminism Panel
The Panel on Blogging and Feminism in NYC was really fantastic! I didn’t make it to the EO Wilson talk, but I know Starre did! So she’ll have more on that I’m sure. [Picture originally uploaded by Liz] Liz, who does regular blogging here, did some live blogging for the…
Halloween in a Hybrid
Hey, my cab looked just like this one! I try to avoid taking taxis in NYC as much as possible (the subway is cheaper, more eco-friendly, and has all sorts of fun people to look at to boot), but once in a while, when you’re wearing a feather-topped costume, a…
Why Haven't I Heard of Etsy Before?
All I have to say is, check out Etsy. Basically, it is a website for all kinds of crafters, from high-end fashionista types to home-ec learned sewers to sell their wares. Not everything listed on the site is eco-friendly but much of it is (the pictures I chose are of recycled…
Creative Photo Lab
Lately I have had a growing interest in photography. With the popularity of the digital camera, there is an artistic photographer in all of us. Here are some creative ways to have fun with your own eco-chic photo lab. Personalized Photo Album We all have warm memories of flipping through…
For some reason, in my life, Arcosanti keeps appearing whenever I’m doing research on something else. I’m drawn to this experiment in human living and I think that means that someday I will end up there. Paolo Soleri, and architect who studied with Frank Lloyd Wright, is the father of Arcosanti,…
Recycle and Rehash
Right after I returned from my vacation I wrote several posts that were lost during our transition to a new server. Rather than rewrite them in their entirety, I am doing an edited version. So if you’ve seen these items here before, it’s because you have! (It’s always nice to…
A Garden Above Your Head
Photo by John Lei for the New York Times Chances are, you don’t think much about your roof unless it’s leaking and might need services such as madison roofing or Commercial Roofing, Inc. I haven’t thought of mine since I bought my house, and once when my cat got stuck…
ECO-PETAL Eco-Fashion Event
So I’ll be co-hosting this event out in LA on Thursday. Some pretty solid design labels are turning up and I’ll be sure to give you a full report when I return. What I’m already liking about the event is: the good energy, the link to the marketplace (finally 10…