The Energy Diet
Image by Elwood Smith for the NYTimes. Fantastic article in the New York Times about how, with little energy or money, a regular person can go on an energy diet, dropping pounds of CO2 off their normal household consumption. (This writer was spurred by seeing An Inconvenient Truth.) Here’s an…
Way Out Wax Does Lavender
Walking by a mainstream candle store on my way to the health food shop made my head pound almost instantly yesterday. The vulgar synthetic pumpkin smell being pumped out of this place was nothing remotely similar to any natural smell I have ever known. I am always amazed how many…
Backyard Miracles
The butterflies are migrating! I have noticed the delicate orange wonders flit joyfully through my neighborhood from one purple butterfly bush to the next for about 2 weeks now. They float along the sidewalks, the Potomac, and through our backyards. Today I counted about 13 of them float by my office window. The…
Prop 87: Good Idea for an Ecofashion Sports Tee
With November just around the corner and global warming a heated debate, it’s a perfect idea for Californians and other greenies alike to start promoting Prop 87. Bono didn’t say you can wear “politics on your sleeve” for nuthin. About Prop 87: Establishes $4 billion program to reduce oil and…
Burning Man/Cooling Man?
I have made art projects that have ended up at Burning Man, my friends have all (seemingly) gone to Burning Man, and I was supposed to go to the art and music desert festival this year, but life (in the form of being accepted to grad school unexpectedly) intervened.…
Ms. Green Jeans
Check out this interview (from Grist) of Tierra del Forte, the designer behind Del Forte Denim. The questions after the jump are a little more ‘fun’ than the first few shown here, so read on! 24 Jul 2006 What work do you do? I’m a designer and the founder of Del Forte…
Treeflight’s nursery of trees-to-be If you’re taking a flight soon, you’re no doubt feeling the guilt about how much carbon you’ll be spewing into the atmosphere. Ru Hartwell can allay your guilt for just a few bucks; he’ll plant a tree on his land in Wales, England for every flight…
Good News Bears
OK, so this post has nothing to do with bears, but it does have to do with good news. Green Revolution is Heralded for Scotland – “ALL new property developments in Scotland will need to produce some of their own electricity through a micro-renewable generating plant, under one of Britain’s…
Excuse Me, There’s Blood on Your Diamond
“I don’t understand about diamonds, and why men buy them. What’s so impressive about a diamonds except the mining?” —Fiona Apple Many of the prisoner-laborers who work Sierra Leone’s open-pit mines end up in shallow graves, executed for suspected theft, for lack of production, or simply for sport. (© Jean-Claude…
Save the Produce!
It’s summer and with all the produce you’ll be scoring at your local farmer’s market (hopefully you’ll be buying organic) it’s no doubt that your fridge will be fuller than usual. But on an average, Americans throw out at least 25% of the produce that they buy, due to spoilage.…