Watch What Happens When Fashion Bloggers Work in a Sweatshop
The people have spoken, they do not accept deadly fashion!
Mr. Jimmy Fallon Goofs on Green with Earth Day Song Parodies
Last week I got the chance to tour around 30 Rock (not the show silly, but NBC’s actual offices in NYC) to see what Big Media’s doing about green. And while I was definitely impressed with all the Green is Universal initiatives like LED lights, a serious reduction in fossil…
Behind the Scenes of the Project Green Search Model Competition Finals
Project Green Search, the first-ever green model competition, has a winner! Rachel Avalon hails from Los Angeles, California, and beat out over 130 other serious contenders for her new title as Green It Girl (read more about Rachel and her plans here). But before the winner was chosen, there were…
Barefoot Walking and Running: Best of Both Worlds with Vivo Barefoot Sneakers
My Viva Terras. Cute on the trail or off. Last summer, I was walking up from the beach at Gay’s Head on Martha’s Vineyard. (They’ve renamed the place Aquinnah, but I’m sticking with the original name, thank you very much) and then headed up the steep dunes, and over the…
Bill McKibben Talks Climate Change and with Colbert
I LOVE Colbert, and I am a long-time Bill McKibben fan; his new organization, is fighting climate change by encouraging initiatives that bring carbon down to 350ppm or lower (we are at 390 right now), which is the safe level for continued healthy and prosperous life on Earth.
Get Lazy with Josh Dorfman's New Book (and TV Show on Sundance!)
Watch a clip from Josh’ new show above! Josh Dorfman’s on a roll! He just released a follow-up book to his first, called “The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget”, AND he has a new show (also called “The Lazy Environmentalist” which just premiered on the Sundance Channel last night, but…
Success for the Sea Shepherd; Japanese Whalers Head Home Short
In a statement made yesterday by the Institute of Cetacean Research, Japan announced that it made it back to the mainland with only 679 whales slaughtered, as opposed to their annual minimum of 985 killed. The Japanese fleet pointed to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as the primary cause for…
Eco Chic Weekly – October 20, 2008
Green Girls Global shows off the gorgeous jewelry made from antique and reclaimed glass by artist Laura Bergman. Eco Chick dishes about four of the season’s sexiest sustainable shoes! Victoria Everman reviews the effective, affordable, and artistic oral care line from Radius. Safia Minney shares her eco style tips with…
Eco Chick on Fox News
This is from a few weeks ago. Live TV is tough…I had so much more to talk about!
Lucky Mag's Great Green Resources
The February issue of Lucky Magazine (with an Eco-Chick favorite, Hayden Panettiere), on the cover, has some really fun green content, along with their regular fashion how-to’s and trend reports. It’s great that mags aren’t just running ‘green’ issues anymore; now ecofashion and beauty products are just a part of…