This Incredible Video Will Change the Way You See the Rain Forever
I have always loved the smell of rain.
Colbert Tackles Global Warming, Hilariously!
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive The Word – The New Abnormal Australia adds new colors to the weather map for temperatures above 125 degrees, and conservatives hit the fifth stage of right-wing climate change grief: acceptance.
Heroines for the Planet: Future Weather Director Jenny Deller
Photo: Bob Persenaire. Future Weather centers on 13-year-old Lauduree, who fears the collapse of both her family and the planet. Writer/Director/Producer Jenny Deller chose to explore the complex issues of climate change through “the lens of a family drama,” as she put it, as opposed to a documentary. I had the…
Fall Eco Fashion Beats the Chill In Style with Keds, Loomstate and Eileen Fisher Organics!
It’s official. Fall is off to a cool start! The best part about fall is the chance to start anew: new initiatives (turn off that a.c. and switch to eco-bulbs), new motivations (make lunch), and new clothes! You want to look street smart even when it is cold and this…
How Sustainable is Your Favorite Wine? Greenopia Rates 25 Wineries
Greenopia has just rated 25 wineries for their environmental impact. Here’s why: Any oenophile worth her spitting glass has heard the dire stories about how global warming will affect wineries, altering the very microclimates that make it possible to grow champagne in Champagne, France and enable growers to eke out…
Hurricanes in Europe?
Two years ago, my husband and I were invited to a presentation by one of Germany’s top Climate Change Researchers at The Wuppertal Institute in Berlin. I forget the presenter’s name now but remember bits and pieces of what he said … mainly those things I’d never heard before. Like…
Be a Cycle Hottie!
Keeping warm in colder weather without looking like a North Face refugee We all know riding your bike instead of driving is not only eco-friendly, but good for our butts and legs (and hearts!) too! But to really make a dent in how many global warming gases you produce, you…
Beards Are The New Hotness!
Letterman and Conan are wearing their ‘strike beards’ to show their solidarity with the writers on their shows. I’ve been seeing it everywhere in New York City; guys with beards now that the cold weather is here. And I’m loving it! It’s sexy, and just a little bit fuzzy too.…
World Views on Climate Change
In response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that occurred in March, the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, a newspaper out of Zurich, Switzerland, asked several writers to contribute articles about their experiences with climate change. Now, has posted English translations of essays by Swiss author Leo Tuor, who writes…
Why is Europe greener (really)?
In case you missed it, The New York Times Magazine was devoted to green architecture on Sunday. It printed several articles, including a piece by the Times’ chief architecture critic, Nicolai Ourousoff, that I found especially interesting. In it, he asks, not entirely rhetorically, Why Are They (Europe) Greener Than…