Nature Kids, Hot Water Woes, and Pellet Stoves
I want my child to connect with nature, but how can a suburban park be designed to both protect visitors from Lyme disease–carrying ticks and restore the natural ecosystem? —Lena Crandall, Scarsdale, NY The funny thing about wildlife (even the kind that finds its way into parks and playgrounds in…
So I don’t normally go on about how much I love a certain product on Eco Chick, unless it’s really, really good (and it relates to the environment, somehow). But oh my god, how much do I love the new BBQ Kettle Chips! And I NEVER even pick up BBQ…
Roam If You Want To (But Not if You're a Bear)
This map, scanned from Patagonia’s latest catalog, details a grizzly’s 50-mile journey, which in the world of a bear, isn’t even really that far of a trip- they’ve been known to travel 500 miles or more as part of their natural movements. “For many wild animals, to roam means to…
Swimming With Dolphins: The Reality
This video shows what goes on in the dolphin hunts and includes Hayden Panettiere (of the TV show ‘Heroes’) and a team of surfers who tried to protest and protect the mammals. Some think swimming with dolphins, or going to see animals/mammals in captivity, is somehow “environmental” or serving some…
Gotta Keep on Top of the Bills!
Yeesh! There’s a flurry of activity surrounding environmental issues in Congress and it’s all I can do to keep up! Here’s what’s going on: TOMORROW, on Halloween, the House is set to vote on HR 2262, which updates the incredibly outdated (and super destructive) Mining Act of 1872. That’s right,…
CNN's Planet in Peril
Looks like CNN’s new enviro doc, Planet in Peril is covering a lot more than just global warming (thumbs up!) though I am slightly disappointed that it is all guys hosting the show (thumbs down!). Where are the fearless female journos and experts (since in surveys, up to 80% of…
Bring the Trees Back to Armenia!
Two different regions in Armenia, Shikahogh Reserve, which is now protected thanks to the work of the Armenian Tree Project and other groups (L) and the Gabion (L). I’ve been a big fan of the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) since I first wrote about them for E Magazine a couple…
Organics ARE Healthier, But What Will Really Convince People to Change?
Gulf of Mexico dead zone caused by fertilizer runoff from conventional farming. Image from NASA. Yet another report comes out announcing that organic food is higher in nutrition (in this case, heart-healthy flavonoids in tomatoes) than conventionally-raised crops. While that’s not really surprising to me, I choose organics and vegetarianism…
Dresses and Coyotes in the Great Smoky Mountains
Come on, isn’t this better than a shot of yet another European monument or church? And it’s right here in the U.S.! Trying to figure out a fun Summer trip? Feeling guilty about jetting to Europe because of how much CO2 your ride would produce? Wanting to try something different,…
Ever Since Little Red Riding Hood….
….wolves have had an (undeserved) bad reputation. As top predators, they are integral to healthy natural ecosystems, where they do the important work of culling the sick and the old from herds of deer, elk and other grazing herbivores. Despite the important niche that wolves fill, and the fact that…