Personalized SIGG Water Bottles and a FREE tee because you know me!
I just love the products at and recently they just open The Bottle Shop where you can custom-design and personalize a premium SIGG reusable water bottle. Using a high-tech laser-engraving process, Greensender engraves a name and art selections on to the bottle — yielding a beautiful and vibrant personalized…
Local Food Movement comes to the White House: Obama Plants a Garden!
For months, numerous groups and individuals have been petitioning the new administration to be the symbol for all Americans to follow — to lead by example and plant an organic food garden at the White House. Well the dream is becoming an reality. Tomorrow (March 20th, the first day of…
Rated (G)reen: the Best Environmental, Food & Health Movies
It’s Oscar time and we are all trying to catch that last movie everyone has been talking about. Whether at the water-cooler at work, on Twitter, Facebook or even across the dinner table, we all love to talk about movies. Of the dozens of nominees this year, it appears that…
Is Your Drinking Water Safe? That Depends….
What can you do to make sure that water in your home is safe?
Martin Luther King Jr. and a 7 year old: Same Dream, Different World
I think this speaks for itself… What can you do to make this world a better place? Let me know and I will Twitter about each response as they come it. You can follow me on Twitter at @Green_Luvin.
Vote Change One More Time — For Our Food System
I think many of us agree that our food system is a mess. Our industrial ways are destroying our environment and health. We had hope that Obama would pick a Secretary of Agriculture who would be good for our future but his choice in Tom Vilsack is problematic. There appears…
Reduce: Use a Home Soda Making-Machine
On the homepage of the Container Recycling Institute is a counter clocking how many beverage containers have been landfilled, littered and incinerated in the United States. This year alone the counter has tallied over 125 billion bottles and cans. Amazingly, the average American drinks around 60 gallons of soda each…
President Obama, Your Secretary of Agriculture Choice is The Most Important of All: Here's Why
Dear President-elect Obama, After a long, hard and contentious campaign you’ve won the Presidency of the United States. Congratulations. Take a moment to enjoy your success. Ok, that was long enough. Now let’s down to business. You well know that you have a long hard road ahead of you, but…
A Victory Garden at the White House?
The next U.S. president is going to have the daunting task of fixing all that has gone wrong in this country. However, I believe that both candidates are overlooking an extremely important issue — our food system. As Michael Pollan said on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show, “It’s true that neither…
Westfalia’s SuperGreen Eco Van: This Ain’t No Hippie-Mobile!
Twenty years ago when I travelled all over the country to see the Grateful Dead, I always thought it would be cool to have a Westfalia VW van to travel around in. Cruising the parking lot of a show I loved to poke my head in the Westfalia’s, checking them…