Organic Style: Baby Sale for Eco Chick Readers!
Organic Style has some cute baby items, especially their gift baskets. The veggie teething rings are really well made and full of yummy organic cotton to chomp on. My kids have been playing with them for 17 months now and I will still look over and see someone with the…
Miessence: Organic Food for My Skin
My personal quest to find a skin care line that isn’t toxic like most conventional skin products and WORKS is finally over! I recently discovered a brand, Miessence owned by Australian based company, ONE (Organic and Natural Enterprise) Group that perfectly fits those 2 needs. Since that time, I’ve become…
Ocean Nitrogen on the Rise
A new study released by Nasa’s Earth Observatory focuses on the impact of anthropogenic nitrogen on our oceans. Up to one-third of the nitrogen entering the oceans is man-made, according to recent findings. The nitrogen increases biological activity in the sea, which, in turn, produces the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide…
Green in Paris
So I think I have used up my allotment of fossil fuels for at least the remainder of this year, or more likely the next decade. Why? My husband surprised me with a birthday trip to Paris last weekend. Americans have a love/hate relationship with the French. So of course…
Eco Chick News Tweets!
Tweet This! How The Media Abandoned the Environment, at new techie-with-a-heart-of-green EcoTechDaily. Check Chris Baskind’s op/ed on the lack of environmental coverage in mainstream media: No, you’re not imagining things. With U.S. gasoline prices edging toward $4.00 a gallon; oil prices at an all-time high, demand for materials such as…
SIGG for the Fashionably Parched
Need another reason to ditch the disposable plastic water bottle? How about fourteen reasons? SIGG (you know the hardwearing yet elegant water bottle Co.), Elle Magazine and Laurie David’s Stop Global Warming have joined forces to up the anti-plastic rationale. The iconic dream team has commissioned fourteen leading names in…
Nuclear Is No Option
A few months ago, I posted here a compendium of reasons why I live in Germany. Though I’d intended the post as an answer to all those who’ve asked in the past, writing it also helped me to see through the myths I’d taken too seriously (i.e. all Germans are…
The War on Bugs
For anyone else who digs on books that examine how PR shapes public perception, Will Allen’s new book, The War on Bugs is the latest in a genre that includes The Best War Ever and Toxic Sludge is Good for You. Instead of the now-tired observation that much of our…
North America's First Carbon Tax
No more cruising the strip in British Columbia! It has recently become North America’s first jurisdiction to introduce a consumer based carbon tax! B.C Minister of Finance, Carole Taylor, also vowed that every cent will be returned through tax cuts and credits. It’s a good way to keep people aware…
Eco-Hunk: David Suzuki
David Suzuki is a Canadian hero, one of our top 10 Canadians even. He is best known for his television show The Nature Of Things airing across the world. He is a scientists and avid environmentalist. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation which as the mission of finding…