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    Happy Green New Year!

    I get more excited about New Years Eve than I do about Christmas or my birthday combined, seriously. So I always throw a party, and my parties always singlehandedly undo every environmental effort I put forth the entire year before. Invitations, garbage, lights, tons of food… etc. So this year,…

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    Rally for a Strong, Clean 2007 Energy Bill!

    By Guest-Blogger Lorna Li This fall auto industry workers, environmental organizations and student groups rally hard for Congress to pass a 2007 Energy Bill that includes higher fuel efficiency and renewable energy standards. Will you rally with them? What’s on the plate is a fuel efficiency standard that the Senate…

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    Mortgaging Planet Earth

    Whenever I start to feel a little cynical (depressed?) about being an environmentalist (i.e. whenever I get the urge to put on some snakeskin sneakers, wear diamonds bigger than my eyeballs, smoke CO2 cigarettes, and hop on my mahogany-furnished private jet to hurtle me and my friends around the world…

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    Tahoe and Yukon Hybrids: Sensible or Stupid?

    I was embarrassed. There’s no other way to describe how a green, treehugging, environmental blogger such as myself felt clambering into a Chevy Tahoe outside a restaurant on the West Side of Manhattan recently. This ‘full-size’ (read that as gigantically huge) SUV was a hybrid, true, but its slightly lower…

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    Deathy Hollows

    Harry Potter books give me a headache. I’ve read all of them and finished Deathly Hollows this morning. Spoiler: I was extremely disappointed that Harry didn’t die. It would have been too cool. The only good thing about this particular Harry Potter book was the way in which the publishers/author…

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    Finally! A comprehensive green resource for graphic designers! I was delighted to be forwarded a link to renourish. renourish is a resource for the graphic design industry. When green design is usually discussed, most people think of buildings, products or even cars, but what about packaging? Shouldn’t magazines, business cards,…

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    The Car-free Life in Paris

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about the trend toward building entire subdivisions as car-free communities here in Germany; though these neighborhoods eschew cars and roads for bikes and courtyards, they also offer a bit of storage space to house the bikes (either as covered garages or, in the single-family…