Happy Green New Year!
I get more excited about New Years Eve than I do about Christmas or my birthday combined, seriously. So I always throw a party, and my parties always singlehandedly undo every environmental effort I put forth the entire year before. Invitations, garbage, lights, tons of food… etc. So this year,…
Smartest Car; Still Worse Than The Dumbest Bike
The process of buying and making new cars isn’t the solution to this enormous fossil fuel problem we’re having. Hackneyed as it might seem, we need to develop long term sustainable community transportation, AND to rethink the way that we structure our lives around cars. Buying a smart car is…
Rally for a Strong, Clean 2007 Energy Bill!
By Guest-Blogger Lorna Li This fall auto industry workers, environmental organizations and student groups rally hard for Congress to pass a 2007 Energy Bill that includes higher fuel efficiency and renewable energy standards. Will you rally with them? What’s on the plate is a fuel efficiency standard that the Senate…
Mortgaging Planet Earth
Whenever I start to feel a little cynical (depressed?) about being an environmentalist (i.e. whenever I get the urge to put on some snakeskin sneakers, wear diamonds bigger than my eyeballs, smoke CO2 cigarettes, and hop on my mahogany-furnished private jet to hurtle me and my friends around the world…
Tahoe and Yukon Hybrids: Sensible or Stupid?
I was embarrassed. There’s no other way to describe how a green, treehugging, environmental blogger such as myself felt clambering into a Chevy Tahoe outside a restaurant on the West Side of Manhattan recently. This ‘full-size’ (read that as gigantically huge) SUV was a hybrid, true, but its slightly lower…
Call Your Representatives About Renewable Energy!
Ok, normally I try not to post too much of this kind of stuff, but I can’t urge you all enough to contact your representatives (if you’re not sure who they are, go to this site.) From MoveOn: Did you know the U.S. right now gets only 2% of our…
Did You See the Snowman Last Night at the Debates?
I thought the Dems debates last night were the best I’ve ever seen (I watched them streaming on Cnn.com since I don’t have cable). That the questions came from real people via YouTube was THE BEST IDEA EVER! (and the videos submitted by us crazy citizens were funny, sad, poignant,…
Deathy Hollows
Harry Potter books give me a headache. I’ve read all of them and finished Deathly Hollows this morning. Spoiler: I was extremely disappointed that Harry didn’t die. It would have been too cool. The only good thing about this particular Harry Potter book was the way in which the publishers/author…
Finally! A comprehensive green resource for graphic designers! I was delighted to be forwarded a link to renourish. renourish is a resource for the graphic design industry. When green design is usually discussed, most people think of buildings, products or even cars, but what about packaging? Shouldn’t magazines, business cards,…
The Car-free Life in Paris
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the trend toward building entire subdivisions as car-free communities here in Germany; though these neighborhoods eschew cars and roads for bikes and courtyards, they also offer a bit of storage space to house the bikes (either as covered garages or, in the single-family…