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    Not Only Are They Gas-Guzzlers….

    ….they’re not very safe either, according to this MSN report. The seat of a sport-utility vehicle or a pickup truck isn’t necessarily the best place to be in a rear-end crash. Despite the considerable weight and size of these kinds of vehicles that convey a sense of safety, more than…

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    US Green Builders Praise and Celebrate

    What do you get when you mix green engineers, architects, and contractors with alcohol, awards, and a massive Samba band? Building-savants dancing the Brazilian tango and a fantastically good time. Image by Christopher Auger-Domínguez, Studio 4b. Saturday night, I attended the USGBC’s (United States Green Building Council) first annual LEEDers…

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    Casual Car Pool

    Every weekday morning, mostly in the East Bay, you see them lined up like lemmings — sedans, SUVs, pickup trucks and the odd sports car, creeping along the curb. Coming up the sidewalk toward them, dressed for the day’s battle with the city, are the hardy commuters. — San Francisco…

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    Daryl Hannah's Work is True Beauty

    Though this isn’t strictly an environmental story, it does involve one very eco-savvy movie star, Daryl Hannah, and it is about women’s rights, so I figured it deserved a space on Eco Chick. And if you haven’t checked out dhLoveLife, Hannah’s awesome blog (and videos that will make you cry)…

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    Green Building 101

    This month’s WIRED and E/The Environmental Magazine both have great features on the many and varied ways of constructing an eco-home. E Magazine’s coverage focuses on the history and current status of green building in the US, including lots of stats, facts and info (like that buildings consume 65% of…

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    SkiGreen MiniTags

    Tina Basich  Love riding or skiing but hate how driving all the way to the mountain makes you feel sooooo guilty? Besides finding out if a local ski center has a bus to the mountains (my local shop does one-day bus trips that include a lift ticket at a discount),…