Heroines for the Planet: Avery Dennison’s Sustainability Leader Helen Sahi
Heroine for the Planet Helen Sahi, Avery Dennison’s Senior Director of Sustainability. “By nature surfers are environmentalists,” John Moore, co-founder of surfing legend Kelly Slater’s new Kering-backed surf-lifestyle brand Outerknown said in a panel on sustainability that Eco-Chick attended at this year’s Fashion, Culture and Design conference. It stands to reason that…
Sophie Berti’s “Waterlogged”: Nonfiction First Prize Winner, Women in Water Writing Contest
The water feels like heaven, like home, like a new adventure.
Meet Ishita Malaviya, India’s First Professional Female Surfer!
Any chance I could get a lesson from you soon?
Surfing Got Me In Touch With My (Risk-Taking, Badass) Inner Child
I also had the time of my life.
Wanderlust Festival to be Held in Chile and Hawaii in 2013 (I'm Excited!!)
I attended Wanderlust in Stowe, Vermont this past summer, and had SUCH a blast. It was the perfect active person’s long weekend, totally packed with fun activities (I tried stand-up paddleboard yoga for the first time, as well as hooping, fun!), great food, fantastic music in the evenings, great outdoors-living…
Why Surf? Why NOT to Surf!
Ed. Note: My Dad, Gerry Vartan, is a lifelong surfer (see bio below); this is him with his board. I can never remember a time when my Dad wasn’t scanning the ocean near his Sydney home to check out the breaks; he’s been surfing much longer than I’ve been around.…
Betty Belts!
The Talia belt is made with recycled glass beads, ceramic tiles, and vegan leather The Selena belt is made from farmed mother-of-pearl and vegan leather Poking around on the internet for some new eco-friendly accessories recently, I found Betty Belts, which makes the super-gorgeous waist-wrappers above. The designer of Betty…
Now this is the kind of news that gets me excited. I was surfing around (I have no idea how I got there) and I happened upon the home page for Tribewanted: Adventure Island. Now, there are few clubs I’ve ever wanted to join, but this might be one.…
Knock, Knock – Knockers – and Knocked Up
C’mon, you gotta know me by now…I just had to go searching for this one… S-t-r-e-t-c-h marks: We either got ’em, are going to get ’em, or are OCD enough that we have to prevent them even if we’re not prone to them! So I went surfing the big cyber…