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    The Climate Cover-Up

    This bit of news is getting up slightly later than I’d like to be getting it up – but I know a few people who will want to read this who may not have read it else where and it is no less important today than it was 3 days…

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    Stella Does Target…in 10 minutes

    Stella proves that her 42-piece line for Target Australia (which sold out in 10 minutes) is the coolest thing since Tickle Me Elmo. Reports from down under show images of crazy women waiting in a 400 person queue before the store even opened; exposing the breasts of poor, unsuspecting mannequins…

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    The Good in Goodwill

    One of the advantages of living in a city where the distribution of wealth is so disproportionate and patently unfair is that lots of rich people throw away lots of nice things. If you are a scavenger or a dumpster diver by principle, then Los Angeles is a good place…

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    Daryl Hannah's Work is True Beauty

    Though this isn’t strictly an environmental story, it does involve one very eco-savvy movie star, Daryl Hannah, and it is about women’s rights, so I figured it deserved a space on Eco Chick. And if you haven’t checked out dhLoveLife, Hannah’s awesome blog (and videos that will make you cry)…

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    Loving LÄRABARS!

    As a person dealing with a newly discovered gluten allergy, I totally need to rant about how in love I am with LÄRABARS. Not only are they a super tasty snack, but they’re healthy and full of great ingredients. Each LÄRABAR (there are currently 6 flavors) contains 1 1/2 servings…

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    Creative Photo Lab

    Lately I have had a growing interest in photography. With the popularity of the digital camera, there is an artistic photographer in all of us. Here are some creative ways to have fun with your own eco-chic photo lab. Personalized Photo Album We all have warm memories of flipping through…

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    Nukes 'R'nt Us

    Model and Environmentalist Betcee May, and tireless Environmental Activist Remy Chevalier want to pull the plug on Indian Point, followed by Vermont Yankee and Millstone. If you’ve been following Eco Chick for awhile, you will know that we are anti-nuclear power, even though there are some environmentalists who think that…

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    The Battle of the Green Media

    A sampling from GOOD Magazine’s media pack I woke up this morning and I thought I was back in London. Why? Well, we are getting innundated with so much editorial on green things. Well, damn’t it’s about time. Newsweek, NY Times, WSJ, Time Out NY, Parade Magazine, USA Today, CNN,…

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    Karma’s Gonna Get You

    Since Bush has decided that America is addicted to oil (hmmm…wonder where he got that idea?) his administration is considering a requirement that some of the biggest SUVs meet fuel economy standards for the first time. According to NPR, “Vehicles weighing between 8,500 and 10,000 pounds have been exempt from…