Home Grow Micro Farms – Save Time and Eat Healthier in 2011!
Talk about starting the New Year off on a healthier foot! Who doesn’t want garden-fresh veggies to choose from when dinner time rolls around? But say what you will about gardening, no matter how much you might love it, it’s very time-consuming. If you are a just-picked veg lover, but…
Eco Chick Giveaway: Target Earth Day Giftbag
In honor of Earth Month, THREE lucky Eco-Chick readers will win and Eco-Starter Kit from Target. Making small changes, even during typical daily routines such as brushing your teeth and washing your hair can have a positive impact on the Earth. The Target Eco-Starter Kit includes the following items (for…
Barefoot Walking and Running: Best of Both Worlds with Vivo Barefoot Sneakers
My Viva Terras. Cute on the trail or off. Last summer, I was walking up from the beach at Gay’s Head on Martha’s Vineyard. (They’ve renamed the place Aquinnah, but I’m sticking with the original name, thank you very much) and then headed up the steep dunes, and over the…
Food Democracy Now! Petition Sustainable Choices for the USDA
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots campaign comprised of farmers, writers, activists, policy advocates and people who eat. A petition is circulating to bring our attention to the desperate need for sustainable practices regarding food. The Food Democracy Now! petition asks President-elect Barack Obama and newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture,…
Simple Ways to a Green 2008 Holiday
Every year there are things we do to minimize the consumptive haze. This year, with the economy being what it is and people mowing each other down at Wal-Mart, many are choosing alternatives to corporate Christmas debris. Here are some of the tips that help my family to slow down,…
Going Local, Expanding the Cheap-Energy Mind
Every year, around this time, I get excited to head over to our local farm to start participating in our CSA (community supported agriculture.) This year I am going to try my hand at a bit of horticulture at home, but we are still keeping our CSA membership as well.…
Wind Farms: Beauty or the Beast
I took this photo of the wind turbines in Palm Springs, CA I’ve heard the two windiest spots on our planet are the Coachella Valley of California and South Africa. The wind in California has prompted the installation of thousands of windmills in the Coachella Valley, which generate electricity for…
Organic Booze?
My husband and I are not big drinkers but recently we both wanted a beer. In trying to make our home and lives greener, we decided to try an organic beer. On a recommendation from a Whole Foods employee, we bought Peaks Organic Amber Ale. The beer was tasty and…
Green in Paris
So I think I have used up my allotment of fossil fuels for at least the remainder of this year, or more likely the next decade. Why? My husband surprised me with a birthday trip to Paris last weekend. Americans have a love/hate relationship with the French. So of course…
Best Office Air Cleaners: Get Your Indoor Plant On
If your office environment is anything like mine, chances are you’re surrounded by rows and rows of cubical farms (covered in hideous synthetic fabric pattern!), with circulated air and very little natural light. Although its not something you think about all the time, the air quality of most offices is…