How Fast Fashion is Being Converted Into Jet Fuel
From cotton to biofuel: Sound crazy? That's how much we throw away.
All the Fun Pix from Fashion Revolution Day San Francisco!
“It’s time to retrain and redirect the fashion industry towards a more compassionate and sustainable future."
What Are YOU Doing for Fashion Revolution Day in 2016? There’s LOTS Going On!
Rana Plaza: On April 24, 2013, 1,134 people were killed and over 2,500 injured at the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh. Some of them are still missing, their bodies lost to the race for the fashion bottom—the two dollar t-shirt. The truth is that they didn’t have to die. The…
Why Ditching Trends Will Kill Fast Fashion
We don't need fast fashion, and its earth-poisoning, people-abusing ways.
Watch What Happens When Fashion Bloggers Work in a Sweatshop
The people have spoken, they do not accept deadly fashion!
Retro Future Fashion: Predictions That Did and Didn’t Come True
Shouldn't we be wearing bubble helmets and plastic suits equipped with lights, lasers and other high-tech gadgetry by now?
Bangladesh Adopts New Labor Law, Critics Argue Workers Still at Serious Risk: This is Fast Fashion
Facing intense international pressure, Bangladeshi lawmakers amended the country’s labor law this week.
T-Shirts Support Bangladesh Garment Industry Workers
The Spectrum&Ali&Tazreen&Rana T-Shirts were made to support and cause awareness of the growing epidemic that is fast fashion and the horrific garment factories pushing clothing and accessories out at breakneck speeds. Each of the four garment factories listed on the t-shirt have contributed to roughly 1,618 deaths, an equal amount…
A Real Solution to Fast Fashion and the Horrors of Foreign Clothing Production is Here (Video)
Manufacture New York founder Bob Bland tells CBS News that producing clothing in America is the answer to what happened in Bangladesh, and she makes an incredibly compelling argument for why a ‘good deal’ on a cheap clothing isn’t so great.
Bangladesh’s Awful Building Collapse: Almost 400 dead, Over a Thousand Injured: This is Fast Fashion
Making just $37-$90 a month, its those incredibly low wages that are part of the reason we can buy clothing more cheaply in 2013 than in 1995, despite all other costs (materials, transportation, rents) having risen.